
You are quite right I am using IE8, not sure in hindsight if it was
the right thing to do upgrading so quick.
Especially before it has been flogged around the traps a few times and
we know more about the bugs in it, guess i'm going to be a bit of a
crash test dummy on this one eh? ;-)

I had a quick browse at the link you so kindly provided thanks and it
looks packed with info.
Since i am a relative newbie (<1month) twiddling with twiddler i won't
prentend i understand it all needless to say that there appears to be
alot of useful info, thanks for the tip.
I will try and digest it slowly in small chunks :)

Ultimately being and novice ( an eager one) means i don't really
understand the deeper complexities of what is fully happening but i
get the gist of it that there will be some 'headaches'

Thanks once again.



On Aug 2, 9:10 am, Morris Gray <msg...@symbex.net.au> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 8:41 am, DaveP <ubercad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Further digging around and peaking inside other forums, mails and
> > associated similar problems has uncovered this....
> > Does this look like it can tell someone with more knowledge than i
> > about webpage errors what it says in plain english????
> Dave, It appears that you are using IE8.   TW Treeview has not been
> tested in IE8 so the combination is an unknown quantity at the
> moment.
> It has been tested and appears usable in Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome
> and IE7.  There are several other very good browsers available and
> should be used in place of any odd or even numbered releases of IE ;-)
> Meanwhile here may be the answer to some of your problems with IE8
> http://www.evotech.net/blog/2009/03/ie8-css-support/#ie8js
> Morris
> On Aug 2, 8:41 am, DaveP <ubercad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Further digging around and peaking inside other forums, mails and
> > associated similar problems has uncovered this....
> > Does this look like it can tell someone with more knowledge than i
> > about webpage errors what it says in plain english????
> > Does it effectively mean the file has an error and cannot be used
> > or ......?
> > Many thanks
> > /br
> > Dave :)
> > =====================START ERROR MSG REPORT ====================
> > Webpage error details
> > User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/
> > 4.0; GTB5; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
> > SV1) ; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
> > InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
> > Timestamp: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 22:37:14 UTC
> > Message: Automation server can't create object
> > Line: 15718
> > Char: 6
> > Code: 0
> > URI: 
> > file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/David.971D09933056400/My%20Documents/­MasterFolder/templates/tw/twt-treeview-executive.html
> > ===================== END ERROR MSG REPORT ====================
> > On Aug 2, 12:08 am, DaveP <ubercad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Mark,
> > > Thanks for the reply.
> > > Yes I did try that and i also tried using the button on the Main Menu
> > > under the Intro tab labelled Download TWT Treeview Executive and
> > > neither gave a satifactory result.
> > > Sorry Mark if you have time to indulge me with a little newbie hand
> > > holding re:........
> > > "If I  was going to use the file, I would go through the source and
> > > purge out these calls"
> > > How would i do this and does the download work for you?
> > > Cheers i appreciate the info.
> > > /br
> > > Dave
> > > On Aug 1, 11:59 pm, "Mark S." <throa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi Dave,
> > > > Did you try saving by clicking on the "Save to your local disk" link
> > > > in the lower left hand side of the TW?
> > > > Also, the file seems to make some calls to outside sites (one to stat
> > > > counter, another to an au site.) It might be that if you are offline
> > > > these calls are making it hang up. In any event, they seem to be
> > > > slowing down the loading of a file which is already pretty big. If I
> > > > was going to use the file, I would go through the source and purge out
> > > > these calls, since I don't know what they're doing, but that's just
> > > > me.
> > > > -- Mark
> > > > On Aug 1, 1:18 pm, DaveP <ubercad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Addtional note to my previous post - done a little
> > > > > preliminary checking to see if i was doing something
> > > > > incorrectly.  As far as i can tell, i have not
> > > > > and i have checked this theory out by
> > > > > doing the following...: I went to the TW.org site,
> > > > > performed a right click, SAVE AS and copied the
> > > > > 'empty.html' to my pc ( the correct technique i
> > > > > believe) Opened the file without any
> > > > > problem.......also tried downloading the 'empty.html'
> > > > > file in the same manner from MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki
> > > > > and same again, no problem.  To make it all the more
> > > > > confusing i can see in explorer that there is a
> > > > > decent size file there, approx 906KB and i can open
> > > > > the file for editing to see if there is anything
> > > > > inside.  It contain alot of code......hmm??? confused
> > > > > why it does not work.  So once again can someone try
> > > > > explaining to me why i am having such a hard time
> > > > > trying to download this file??
> > > > > Once again many thanks for you assistance.- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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