Hi Eric

Now I'm trying to work with the MoveablePanelPlugin.
One thing that is very annoying is the fact that the mouse often
"locks/glues" to a floating window - and I cannot get it off  again -
I wonder if it has something to do with the iframes or embedded
movieclips - but still I need an option to "release" the mouse from a
moveable tiddler...
esc - or similar - would be very nice..

You can see some of my efforts here: http://myna.tiddlyspot.com/
If you unfold the tiddlertitle on the tiddler "myna" and click the top
edge of the tiddler, it is "glued" to the mouse and you can't get rid
of it again unless you refresh the page (F5)

YS Måns Mårtensson

On 24 Sep., 09:08, Eric Shulman <elsdes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I really like the ability to use moveable tiddlers - and
> > TiddlyDesktops quick response and intuitive way of handling them. Is
> > it possible to make it work with TspotPlugin/UploadPlugin and in a
> > more or less "normal" TW-document?
> If you want to create a normal looking document with "tear off
> tiddlers", try this:
> First, install these plugins:
>    http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#MoveablePanelPlugin
>    http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#PanelManagerPlugin
> Then, edit your ViewTemplate and make two changes:
> 1) surround the current template layout inside of
>    <div class='moveablePanel'>
>       ...
>    </div>
> 2) Just inside the closing </div> above, add this line, which invokes
> a macro that adds the mouse-handling and other 'moveable' features to
> the tiddler:
>    <div macro='moveablePanel name:{{story.findContainingTiddler
> (place).getAttribute("tiddler")}} height:auto'></div>
> That's it... you can now move the mouse near the edge of any rendered
> tiddler and it will change to a 'four-arrows' cursor.   Dragging the
> tiddler 'undocks' it from it's default 'anchor' point in the story
> column, and allows you to place it *anywhere* on the page.
> When a tiddler is undocked, a special set of 'panel buttons' will
> appear next to the regular toolbar items:
> [√] 'docks' the tiddler (returning it to the story column)
> [X] closes the tiddler
> [≡] brings up the PanelManager menu
> The PanelManager includes lots of commands for controlling the
> moveable panels in your document, as well as creating named 'panel
> maps' that remember the positions of those panels and an interactive
> 'panel map viewer' that lets you view and manipulate your entire
> document using a "bird's eye view" graphical representation.
> Note: PanelManager is not *required* in order to give tiddlers basic
> moveability.  However, without it, the moveable panels have no
> 'memory'... when a tiddler panel is closed and then re-opened, it will
> revert to it's original, 'docked' position (which may be just what you
> want).
> If you don't want *all* tiddlers to be moveable, you could either use
>    http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#TaggedTemplateTweak
> and create a [[MoveableViewTemplate]] containing the changes described
> above, and then tag individual tiddlers with "moveable" to active the
> functionality for that tiddler.
> Alternatively, you can just add the macro:
>    <<moveablePanel>>
> directly into any individual tiddler to make just *that* tiddler
> moveable, even if no other tiddlers are.  You can also limit the
> moveable area to a specific portion of a tiddler's content by
> enclosing that part of the tiddler source within a CSS wrapper, and
> placing the <<moveablePanel>> macro at the end of that wrapper, like
> this:
> {{anyclassnamewillworkhere{
> ... your content ...
> <<moveablePanel>>}}}
> Note: I recommend that the enclosing CSS class include both
> "border:..." and "background-color:..." attributes, so that the
> moveable panel will be opaque against the other page content (so that
> it appears to float on top of them, rather than overlapping and
> blending together).
> enjoy,
> -e
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