Love the very simple ToDo you have included!

It is amazing for me, as it is the simplest ToDo list I have ever seen in 

I added it to Yazd and link to TW-Scripts as a small macro for a creating a 
wiki-wiki (very quick) todo list!


On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 9:43:10 PM UTC+4:30, BurningTreeC wrote:
> Hi Watt,
> Nice one, I like the simplicity and it's quite mobile friendly.
> thanks! 
> Here's some feedback;
>> The dash circle/icon and green open button do seem like duplicate 
>> functions. 
> Yeah it's a duplicate, I'm about to decide what to do with those two
> Two buttons would be good for me; 
>> 1. a new sub-notebook button as you have it, but at the bottom. (easier 
>> access on a mobile phone)
> I'm mainly on the desktop where this fits better ... I could make it 
> configurable 
> 2. another button on each notebook to add a tiddler to it (new-here-ish).
> The new-tiddler button already adds the tiddler to the open notebook by 
> auto-tagging
>> 3. Big bright buttons are good on a mobile. Drag and drop doesn't work.
> There's a drag-and-drop shim/plugin in the plugin library... with that 
> installed drag and drop could (should?) work 
> 4. Displaying the notebook date isn't needed for me.
> There's space for some information, maybe something else fits better
>> Other ideas;
>> *An export notebook button (eg export all a subnotebook tids as json, 
>> maybe import too)
> that's a good idea for a fourth button that reveals some options per 
> notebook
>> *Merge notebooks option
> another good idea, thanks
>> *A one click way to close all tids and return to the notebook manager 
>> would be useful.
> Ah, that's a mobile issue I guess
>> Putting it in the sidebar doesn't work so well on a mobile for me, imo it 
>> would be better placed as a startup tiddler. 
>> Mobile phone use vs desktop though - for me the phone is a more likely 
>> use, others might disagree. 
>> Nice idea, thanks for sharing!
> Because how it works it has to be somewhere outside the story river, that 
> makes it a bit clumsy on mobile use, that's true
> Thanks for your feedback!

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