tirsdag den 11. februar 2020 kl. 11.27.42 UTC+1 skrev TonyM:
> HC
> I started work on providing a filter to the tag drop downs and was asking 
> myself how I may filter them to reduce them in number. 
> I then referred back to your original thread and note a large contributor 
> to your problem is the journal tiddlers,
>    - Is that because you use a given days journal title as a tag to 
>    organise information by day, So have a lot of date tags?
> This was just to give an example. It is not a particular annoying problem 
for me. the use case was, ifyou use the new journal button, say once a day. 
after some time you will have alot of tiddlers with the tag journal. and if 
you press the journal tag you will get a very long and slow list.

You are I assume aware that rather than click the drop down right away, if 
> you start typing the list will be filtered, however on first click into the 
> tag name entry, it shows all tags right away.

Yes I am aware. and the first click slowdown is the problem. 

> What if this click or responce to each letter typed was disabled and you 
> had to use the dropdown by click or tabbing to the "tag dropdown", before 
> the list appeared, then the list will only be those tiddlers that match the 
> search string? This could popup again after 3 to 4 characters are typed 
> because by then the possible tag list is reduced. 

This is actually a quite good idea with a mix of both approaches. Though I 
dont know how if these buttons are small on mobile.

> If however your list is not reduced much after 3-4 characters then I 
> believe there is another approach, please give me an example "string" where 
> you get too many tag suggestions after the all tag list is displayed if 
> possible.

no I have not had this problem.

Maybe this is feature creep. but I remembered bimlas had some solution 
where he added a line to the viewtemplate with a list of (selcedted) often 
used tags. Maybe instead of just showing the alfabetically first rags on 
the first click, we could only show a list of "selected" tags. when you 
start to type or press the tag drop down you could get the normal list. - 
just a thought.

> Regards
> Tony
> On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6:33:47 PM UTC+11, HC Haase wrote:
>> søndag den 9. februar 2020 kl. 03.11.14 UTC+1 skrev TonyM:
>>> HC,
>>> Thanks for starting this discussion - it really helps both learning and 
>>> development to run such threads.
>> Glad to hear it. Thanks for your detailed response. 
>>> I would find a limit on the tags would inevitably confuse me and 
>>> possibly result in my creating new tags of a similar name.
>> As I imaging it, I don't think so. As soon as you begin to type, the tag 
>> list would reflect that (like it do now) and you would find the tag. And as 
>> it is now, when the list of tags run of the page of a pc screen, I don't 
>> think it gives more clarity than a limited list. (but of course I can't 
>> speak for you).  
>> Personally I just quickly type a number of characters to quickly limit 
>>> the choices, perhaps a small delay rather than a character limit would 
>>> allow you to do the same rather than limit it to three characters, or a 
>>> setting like for search that sets the minimum number and the delay time.
>> I guess a delay could also work but I dont see the advantage over 
>> character limit.
>>> I have a different perspective" To me tags are a quick to use ad hoc 
>>> method for selecting/categorising tiddlers. This extends to tags that group 
>>> tags like "status" could tag new, inprogress and done, but they need to be 
>>> removed as well as added. This is one case where a single value in a field 
>>> works better. 
>> I agree that tags are quick ad hoc categorising, but I think tags is also 
>> "more" (wiki structure). I also  agree that fields work better in these 
>> category/value scenarios. 
>>> Personally I try and avoid tags and use fields instead because I try not 
>>> to "pollute" the tag space. I may even use tags initially then migrate all 
>>> tiddlers so tagged to all tiddlers with a given field/value.
>> Here is the problem again (not with you but with the tech). You and 
>> others avoid using the tags because the tags fail at their job. Should we 
>> not fix the tag mechanism instead of adapting our behaviour?  
>>> Not withstanding my alternate approach what would I do if I had too many 
>>> tags. first I would find a way to divide them into subsets, the simplest 
>>> being tags with a given tag, or tiddler vs system tiddler. It is only once 
>>> you find a way to group your tags can you build something to view a subset 
>>> of tags. I would tend to keep the default drop down or tag search and build 
>>> another restricted in some way by a filter. For example every status tag 
>>> could have the field status and have a method to select a tag only from the 
>>> status tags etc... The selection of status tag may only appear on tiddlers 
>>> with an field object-type with the value task, object-type[task].
>>> However for a really intense user of tags marios alttags/gentags plugin 
>>> allows you define multiple tag fields, and the available tags in each 
>>> alternative tag group are only search for within the existing tags used in 
>>> that tag field.
>>> In the longer term I would like to see us developing more list fields 
>>> like tags and provide a method to migrate tags to these alternatives. Tags 
>>> are a wonderful free method of "tagging" but more often that not we 
>>> actually use tags as keyword list, a status of which a tiddler can only 
>>> have one at a time, or primary categories where only one category can be 
>>> assigned and/or multiple category fields. Another is a keyword field that 
>>> one adds search terms you want found but that do not necessarily appear in 
>>> the tiddler.
>>> I think we have opposite views here. A separatist vs a unionist :) 
>> you want  to make subsets of tags and @P Marios gentag makes subset of 
>> tagfields. You say that "more often that not we actually use tags as 
>> keyword list,... or primary categories " But why only one at a time? In my 
>> view this is exactly the power of tags. I want my wiki to grow buttn-up. I 
>> dont want to make a distinction betwene keyword and category before the 
>> difference present itself. Therefore I want the tags to simultaniusly be 
>> keywords, categories and search terms. I need to go with the flow (maybe I 
>> should start a new threat to go deeper in this).
>> I think the problem with using special fields or an extra special 
>> tag-field is that you don't have one place to look for something. Fields 
>> are great for custom things, but tags are better. I think tags has some big 
>> advantages "out of the box":
>>    - automatic toc
>>    - drop down picker (when it works ;)) 
>>    - colouring
>>    - consistency across different wikis
>> Let us take advantages of that instead of avoiding tags. Make tags great 
>> again.
>> In the world of data/knowledge and Information management there are a set 
>>> of well known concepts such as tags and categories (subjects/Domains/Genra 
>>> are others), for which I would like to see a mechanisium to define and use 
>>> these as part of the Standard distribution. To me these would mitigate the 
>>> need to deal with large numbers of tags.
>> Do you care to talk some more about the world of information management 
>> and the utility of well known concepts? this could be interesting 
>>> Not withstanding my different approach I see no reason not to enable a 
>>> filtered tag selector to help in your case. Let me know if you would like 
>>> one developed. I think a tag pill style that allowed to to tag from its 
>>> dropdown according to a filter would be nice.
>>> Yes, thank you I would. I'm imaging a filter that limit the length of 
>> the tag drop-down list and a setting for the user to set that limit. I 
>> don't know it if would be too much, but it could be useful to have a 
>> fourth/back arrow to cycle to the next e.g. 10 hits, or if not, just a 
>> button to show all. But maybe this would be redundant because you get more 
>> precise results when you type.
>> Regards
>>> Tony

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