On Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 2:40:18 PM UTC+4:30, Edgaras wrote:
> Thank you for the warm welcome everyone and your responses! 😊 
> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
> First of all, thanks to *Anne-Laure*, for republishing the TiddlyWiki on 
> ProductHunt, where it caught my attention and then invited me to this 
> community! 
> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
> This is one of the best collection of Tiddlywiki resources on the net.
> *Mohmmad*, thank you for sharing this resource, it will definitely come 
> in handy considering the key features and further into development.
> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
> *Tony,* thank you for the inputs, your interest and open mind!
> You are already mentioning bunch of great points:
>>    - TiddlyWiki can already do or be many things
>>    - This presents a dilemma, because how do you set a basic standard 
>>       look for a chameleon? 
>> This is why I am so excited about, it's super powerful, but somehow it 
> seems a bit overwhelming, with all the features shouting for the 
> importance. The tool could be as blank as it can be, while displaying first 
> possible actions, and then introducing complexity as you engage within a 
> context. 
>>    - TiddlyWiki  is the answer to so many questions, but which question 
>>    are you trying to answer?
>>    - There are already innovative tiddlywiki layouts like a trello look 
>>    alike, the Murri plugin and much more
>> As I see it, TW should be as it is – super powerful personal notebook, 
> with a possibility to quickly and simply publish static website, as if 
> possible (don't know much about it) a collaborative writing tool. Some of 
> the things that I see are missing:
>    1. Simple and intuitive interface that feels nice and simple to sit in 
>    front of every morning (e.g. Bear app, Notion, Typora)
>    2. Making sure that the notes are as modular and interconnected as 
>    possible with backlinks etc. (yet still simple). (RoamResearch achieves 
>    that quite well, but it can be better)
>    3. Yet, NONE of those powerful ones are free and personal tools for 
>    the new digital knowledge age. I believe everyone has a right to their own 
>    personal digital knowledge management, publishing and collaboration.
> I've seen some of TW themes, but it feels more like as a surface redesign, 
> but underlying issues are there. Yes, some corrections on usability and 
> some nice features like sidebar are there, but many things like fonts, 
> icons, animations, white space feels odd, as most importantly, not much is 
> improved in the usability of editing. Also, obviously I haven't seen 
> enough! Please share if something minimal exist already.
>  I have a vision for such a solution I would be happy to share if you want 
>> to consider taking it on. 
> I would love to hear your vision if you are willing to share! Both on the 
> strategy and design, let's collaborate. We can discuss here + draft a more 
> structured google docs + prioritize tasks on Trello + share the actual 
> design vision and comment on Figma prototype.
> One way I would like to see the recent discussions evolve is a bit like 
>> how developers may use wordpress as the back end and write their own front 
>> end.
> Could you explain a bit more what do you mean here?
> When it comes to static site generation, there are great mechanisms in 
>> tiddlywiki to do this already as no doubt people see, but to make it really 
>> powerful we need to improve and support the workflow and templates used to 
>> do this. 
> I really want to dig deeper into the current state of art of TW's static 
> site generation. It must be as simple as in any other SSG, but even 
> simplier! I like what Publii <https://getpublii.com/> is doing. You just 
> write you site visually and then publish to GitHub Pages or SFTP as a 
> static site with one click (+ first time simple settup).
> Tiddlywiki as a platform, Software Development Kit, Personal Productivity 
>> tool, site generator, database.... interface design ... is almost infinite.
>> I would like to see a responsive theme that contains elements that come 
>> into use only if given content and obeys a set of rules that allows almost 
>> any design structure, with default that result in what we currently see, 
>> but a small set of changes transforms it.
> That's how I see it too! Simple, responsive, contextual, prioritised. 
> There should no unnecessary switching "modes", viewing and editing should 
> feel as one coherent flow. And all the power of the tool can come into the 
> right place, but it should to be prioritised.
> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
> *Mat *good idea! Is it possible somehow to tag Jeremy here so he can see 
> this post? Otherwise I will try to find him:)
> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
> We don't have to overthink it to start with! Yesterday I quickly mocked up 
> the front page of how the revamped TW could look/work/feel like. It's not 
> finished AT ALL, just making some ideas tangible:
> *TW revamp v0.01 
> <https://www.figma.com/proto/TCQj1L5v85AEB0RUqDMA8a/TiddliWiki-revamp?node-id=1%3A2&viewport=349%2C351%2C0.4002481698989868&scaling=scale-down-width>*
> *You are welcome to comment on top of prototype! And ask me if you want to 
> edit!*

To review and comment is it required to sign up to Figma? 

> Addressing:
>    - Visual layout (font, colors, white space, removing not first 
>    priority elements)
>    - Modeless / Contextual – it does not have to switch to fully 
>    different mode for editing. Editing and viewing happens at once. You 
>    interact with the smaller elements to get into the deeper editing "mode". 
>    For example if you interact with tags - you edit tags, if you interact 
> with 
>    your writing cursor with the link in the text, you edit that link. As a 
>    result all the options are less overwhelming, it's more contextual.
>    - More advanced editing features and meta data is hidden one click 
>    away *â‹®*
> We can run this as a branch experiment of TW revamp, have less features to 
> start with, but then we can prioritise and reintroduced the features to 
> match the simplicity.

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