This update is for you :)

   1. Cleaner Tiddler, you can now easily edit manually
   2. Icon changes if the entry has a tiddler associated with it or not
   3. Delete icon only shows on hover (didn't know how to align it to the 
   right lol )
   4. sorry didn't know how to change visually the drop down menu if you 
   have any suggestions I am all ears


On Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 4:25:47 PM UTC+3, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Thanks for that comparison, I think people will find that useful.
> A few other thoughts for potential improvements:
>    - You really need a separate affordance to be able to open that 
>    interface other than the keyboard shortcut. I first opened this on my 
> phone 
>    and had no idea where to go.
>    - My confusion as to where the data was stored is because when I open 
>    the tidder for the day's date, it is an illegible mess. Suppose I want to 
>    fix a typo? How do I do that when I can't understand what is going on? 
> Part 
>    of the appeal of TW is having your data in an easily accessible plain text 
>    format, but the raw content of that tiddler is not very accessible.
>    I recommend finding an alternate way to do things so that you don't 
>    have to mix code and data in the tiddler for a day's data.
>    A custom view template may be helpful here, so you move the logic of 
>    the buttons etc to the template.
>    - If I click to expand an entry and update it, those changes are no 
>    longer reflected back in today's tiddler. 
>    At the very least, there should be a way to see from that overview 
>    which item has an expanded tiddler, and which one doesn't. (It could be as 
>    simple as different classes on the icons)
>    - Visually: maybe get the delete icons right-aligned and only visible 
>    when you hover over an entry.
>    - Also, the select dropdown seems obtrusively large and oddly placed. 
>    Maybe move that up above the text input area? It could even replace the 
>    title (day's date) that is displayed at the top.
> Love what you have been up to and I hope these suggestions are helpful.
> Regards,
> Saq
> On Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 2:55:44 PM UTC+2, Tony K wrote:
>> Hello Saq
>> thank you for your kind words and your help in all the threads 
>> to reply to your questions
>> *Re difference with Scott's implementation*:
>> I had already started with mine when I found Scott's thread so I just 
>> continued with it. However, at this point,
>>    - Daily Notes is a plugin that anyone can install on his TW, as far 
>>    as I know Scott's isn't packaged
>>    - Faster input, no need to click buttons, just write and press enter
>>    - Option to "expand" on an entry by assigning to it it's own tiddler 
>>    (+ sign)
>>    - Option to delete a single entry (delete sign)
>>    - Option to Edit an entry (in progress)
>>    - Keyboard shortcut: Alt +Q by default
>> *Re One Tiddler per entry*:
>>    - It is not one Tiddler per entry, by default all entries are in one 
>>    tiddler with today's date. however if you want to "expand" on an entry 
>> you 
>>    can just click the + sign and a new tiddler will be created for it 
>> linking 
>>    back to the source entry (day and time)
>> e.g. You capture on the move "*Think about inline Edit for Daily Notes*" 
>> and then I can expand on this idea to it's own tiddler where I can 
>> brainstrom on how I want to accomplish this feature
>> I hope it makes sense
>> On Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 1:46:26 PM UTC+3, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>>> Hi Tony,
>>> Happy to see you innovating and contributing to the community.
>>> Perhaps you could also outline for us how your implementation differs 
>>> from that posted by Scott Kingery:
>>> Also, have you considered that for the described purpose, one tiddler 
>>> per entry might be overkill and lead to clutter?
>>> Look forward to what you come up with next.
>>> Regards,
>>> Saq
>>> On Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 11:12:29 PM UTC+2, Tony K wrote:
>>>> Plug in update to v0.0.6
>>>> This update changelog 
>>>> v0.0.6 - 2020-05-10
>>>>    - Added a way to see older Daily Notes
>>>> Test it and download it on Drift <> or 
>>>> get it from Github <>
>>>> ------------
>>>> Bringing, yet another, Roam functionality into TW5 I wrote this litter 
>>>> plugin called Daily Notes, it is still in early development but good 
>>>> enough, I think, to be released
>>>> You can read more about interstitial journaling at 
>>>> Features
>>>>    - Keyboard shortcut (Alt+Q) by default
>>>>    - Can "expand" on an idea (outline style) by clicking on the plus
>>>>    - Can easily delete an entry
>>>> Test it and download it on Drift <> or 
>>>> get it from Github <>

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