On Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 9:03:59 AM UTC+2, Peter Buyze wrote:
> Transclusions were working fine, until I made that composite tiddler.
> I have been actively adding David Gifford's tooltips to internal links. 
> So, if Tid 1 links to Tid 2 and Tid 2 links to Tid 3 and Tid 3 to Tid 4, 
> then in Tid 1's one can hover of the link to Tid 2 to see Tid 2 in a 
> tooltip. 
> In that tooltip the link to Tid 3 will be visible and hoverable, but Tid 4 
> won't be. Jeremy made it clear it does not go ad infinitum. 

If there is a construction as you describe it, it is very likely, that you 
created an infinite loop. It has to be handled at the plugin / macro level. 

To find out, where the problem comes from, the easiest way is, to *import 
plugins 1 by 1 into an empty* html and see if the problem comes up. 
The plugin loaded last is very likely the one that causes the problem. 

The TW core has some checks built in. So it is able to show some info if 
you transclude a tiddler into itself. ... 

But "complex" user code can't be "protected" without adding strict rules 
about usage patterns.

have fun!

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