*Tony K *thank you! Definitely, I will add the full screen split edit view 
to outline. A lot of people need it, seems like.

Mat included many of your specific requirements to the todo! Most of them I 
agree with.

- Arrows are for navigating back and forward, which tiddler you visited the 
latest (clicking on links). I updated arrows to look less like redo/undo.
- Icons and background I need to test. I was not fan of the original icons, 
but maybe that's bias, I will try them on the new layout.
- I think we need some general consideration around system tiddlers. I 
think there could be a way to seperate content and system tiddlers. I've 
seen some interesting theme, where
tiddlers were in the sidebar, I think some system tiddlers could be pinned 
to the sidebar, so they are always at reach.
- Even if TW is for personal use, it does not have to be messy... Many 
people want to have a distraction free writing and thinking experience. 
That's the key for me. The "prettiness" come from practicality, hiding 
things that you don't use too often. It's a balance yet to be found, 
through iterations we will find way to prioritise more used items and make 
them more visible.
Again, it helps to be more specific – here I agree with you, sidebar should 
be more prominent, probably open by the default. I will work on sidebar.

- Yes, toolbar needs to be re-introduced, I forgot in this iteration. My 
take on toolbar is like this:
          a. It should be possible to hide toolbar by default. (Maybe 
already is, but I want that on the spot)
          b. Balloon popup toolbox is super good idea. I would use that a 
lot when toolbar is hidden (also should be possible to customize on the 
spot, maybe small link icon that leads to settings.)

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