@TonyK appreciate the input. Recurring tasks weren't an issue and were 
already implemented back when I first worked on my task manager. 

The content of the text in the video is entirely for demonstration 
purposes, and just whatever came to my mind on the fly while recording.
It is a hypothetical plan for creating a hypothetical task manager.


On Friday, May 22, 2020 at 8:33:21 AM UTC+2, TonyM wrote:
> Saq,
> Watching you video I saw mention of how to handle re-occuring tasks. I 
> have found a very elegant algorithm with minimal complexity and designed 
> for the tools already within tiddlywiki
> Basically if you want something weekly you stamp a weekly-date field with 
> now. When done next week you stamp it again with now.
> Too see whats overdue the date stamp will be greater than -7 days using 
> the days operator. 
>    - As soon as stamped it will disappear from the list.
>    - You can always see when it was last done because the indicator is 
>    the date and time done.
>    - The logic to select the valid items is in the listing not the field 
>    used to manage it. 
>       - So Instead of weekly etc, I could have review dates of Operation, 
>       Tactical and Strategic
>       - It is simple to set these to say daily, weekly and Monthly with 
>       the list using -1 -7 and -28
>    - If you want it done on Mondays you could stamp the field 
>    monday-review and list on mondays,
>       - If it is monday hide things done today, and list those not done 
>       today.
> Using  date stamp to indicate it is done, in a given period, is nice 
> because it can be a simple button, just click, no need to set the date to 
> other than to now in everyday operations.
> With a date selector the user can post date or predate, so I could stamp 
> it with 1st July 2020 an it will become weekly from the 7th July.
> Happy to discuss further to generalise it even more.
> Regards
> Tony
> On Friday, May 22, 2020 at 10:54:47 AM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
>> Saq,
>> *I love it*, we can create much more interactive outliners that generate 
>> tiddlers. 
>> An important point,
>> I suspect you are using the edit field including title and it creates a 
>> tiddler  "feature"?
>>    - I would be great if we could set a template=template tiddler field 
>>    on the master, or as a parameter on the macro which is used to create 
>> such 
>>    subtiddlers. 
>>    - This introduces a wide range of possibilities like setting a parent 
>>    field, setting context fields and more
>>    - I understand it could be difficult to achieve, but I mention it so 
>>    you keep it in your mind if you see the possibility.
>>    - If the `<enter>` can be used to trigger actions on the tiddler that 
>>    was edited as the "currentTidder".
>> Love Your work
>> TonyM
>> NB; I got the video working in FireFox for me not My Chrome
>> On Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 11:11:38 AM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
>>> Saq,
>>> I cant seem to get any video working and I really want to see this.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Tony
>>> On Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 10:37:43 AM UTC+10, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>>>> There are a few things not shown in the video: 
>>>> - bullets can be multiline.
>>>> - you can drag and drop bullets between "bullet list tiddlers". This 
>>>> moves a bullet from one tiddler to another.
>>>> - you can hold down Ctrl when dragging to another tiddler to copy it 
>>>> rather than move it.
>>>> - holding down shift when dragging transcludes the contents of a bullet 
>>>> rather than moving or copying it.
>>>> - it works around some of the annoyances in the core draggable list 
>>>> links macro, where for each item there are two positions it can be dragged 
>>>> to that don't actually result in a change of position.
>>>> Currently the relationship between a bullet and its children is based 
>>>> on fields as per my needs in my task manager. This could definitely be 
>>>> simplified from what it is now.
>>>> Also note that modelling each bullet as a tiddler means thought needs 
>>>> to be given to tags, backlinks etc as the parent tiddler itself has no 
>>>> body. For my use case this was fine but for general purpose text it may 
>>>> limit the usefulness of filter lookups.
>>>> My goal is to add comments to the wikitext macros, as time and energy 
>>>> allows, and then post the file for everyone to play with. Since this is 
>>>> all 
>>>> in wikitext, it means that any TW user, developer or not, can try to make 
>>>> a 
>>>> generalized solution out of it.
>>>> Unless of course, Joshua beats us all to it :)

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