@OGNSYA I appreciate the feedback and will reply properly later. However I 
recommend that you move everything related to: "*Having the option of 
Stream being the default mode of creating/editing tiddlers in TW" *a new 

This will both prevent your ideas from getting buried in an already very 
long thread, and avoid derailing this thread.


On Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 2:05:03 PM UTC+2, OGNSYA wrote:
> Saq: This looks great! Love the name Streams btw.
> A few general notes:
>    - I wonder if an abandoned empty tiddler should be removed/deleted 
>    automatically? Would make it cleaner.
>    - There is no way to drag a child left (equivalent of SHIFT-TAB). In 
>    order to do that via dragging, one needs to move it elsewhere, then bring 
>    it back.
>    - The drag handle could be more noticeable. I suggest a subtle 
>    vertical handle, to the left of the tiddler (and with its height). It 
> could 
>    be even hidden until user hovers over the tiddler.
>    - The context menu for a tiddler is great. I'd suggest having it show 
>    on hover of the aforementioned handle (after a short delay), instead of on 
>    Right-Click
> Some suggestions for making editing feel more fluid and modern:
>    - Having the new tiddler be initially single line (instead of two 
>    lines), thus disrupting the layout less
>    - Hiding the tiddler's text border
>    - Show the formatting toolbar as a hover instead, in a more 
>    minimal/modern format, and only once the user selects some text (or 
>    right-cilcks on text)
>    - Having the editor be WYSIWYG, which might...
>       - ...help to avoid having the content shift/change when user starts 
>       editing it.
>       - ...allow editing to start in the actual place the user clicked on 
>       the text.
>    - Allow user to end editing by "clicking out" of a tiddler (equivalent 
>    to ESC).
> This is very exciting. As I mentioned previously, I'd suggest having this 
> as the default editing experience for TW. It makes creating/editing 
> tiddlers a much more Stream(*wink*)lined experience!
> I'm currently in the process of creating a few mockups to demonstrate what 
> I mean.
> I don't want to clutter this up with more of my ramblings. But I'll add 
> below a summary of my ideas, in case anyone is interested (if anyone has 
> feedback on that, would be helpful!)
> ---
> *Having the option of Stream being the default mode of creating/editing 
> tiddlers in TW*
> The main idea is that every new tiddler with more than a paragraph (or 
> block) automatically becomes a multi-tiddler, with the paragraph tiddlers 
> existing as subtiddlers (of course, there could be an override for this in 
> special cases, such as when a user definitely doesn't want every paragraph 
> to be a tiddler). 
> The "bullet tiddler" (which you currently have implemented) would be only 
> one of the many types of tiddler. The others would basically be all other 
> paragraph-level formatting options, such as normal paragraph (which I think 
> should be the default one), quote and headers (h1, h2 etc.).
> Headers would allow the same kind of structuring that the current 
> bullet-tiddlers implementation does (ie., moving an h1 header tiddler moves 
> everything below it which has a lower header etc.), except for the 
> indenting, of course. (Stream would still behave the same way it does now, 
> by making Bullet hierarchy have priority over Headers-based hierarchy - 
> ie., it would allow any bullet, in any hierarchy level, to have a Header 
> based structure within it). 
> All of this could happen seamlessly to the user. Hitting ENTER during 
> editing creates a new tiddler with a type defined by its previous tiddlers 
> -  For example: if editing a bullet or paragraph tiddlers, keep the type; 
> if editing a header tiddler, change to paragraph.  Changing tiddler type 
> could be done via the hover context menu of the tiddler, or a shortcut 
> (maybe ALT-LEFT/RIGHT could cycle between: quote, bullet, paragraph 
> (default), h1, h2 etc.).
> Note how in this system all paragraph-level formatting (paragraph, quote, 
> h1, h2 etc) would be done via the tiddler context menu, leaving much less 
> formatting options for the text-level hover context menu (bolding a word or 
> sentence, for example).
> The title of a tiddler (as a big text on top) would actually be optional 
> in this system. It could be added as a tiddler on top (with a Title type, 
> above h1). A unique identifier for tiddlers would still exist (of course), 
> and it could still be the the title. But in absence of a title, it could 
> default to first letters of the tiddler. (note this would allow tiddlers 
> with same Titles - as big text on top).
> I realize the above leads to some challenges regarding how TW 
> organizes/names tiddlers. The above is just a high-level description.
> But I think referencing/linking/transclusion could continue working as it 
> does. Considering Hierarchy information is stored in a custom field, this 
> doesn't mess with the tagging system. Only main difference (I think) would 
> be that, whenever a tiddler is opened (or transcluded), they also bring in 
> all of their subtiddlers.
> That's what I have for now. As I mentioned, Im working on a mockup to make 
> it easier to communicate all of this, so any feedback/ideas on that would 
> be gretly appreciated! 
> On Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 5:56:39 PM UTC+1, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>> Updates:
>>    - Enabled keyboard shortcut keys for text formatting, like ctrl+b
>>    - Added a configuration option to show the formatting toolbar in the 
>>    editor. (This doesn't make sense unless you are specifically writing 
>> longer 
>>    text in each bullet)
>>    - Fixed some issues with deleting a parent not deleting all the 
>>    children (after asking for confirmation)
>>    - Add a temporary UI for renaming tiddlers (via alt + r). Yes it is 
>>    extremely ugly. The purpose is to understand and enable the workflow 
>>    without adding more UI complexity that may obstruct some upcoming code 
>>    refactoring.
>>    - Added a first pass at a right click, context menu triggered by 
>>    right clicking the bullet point 
>> I've also updated the Roadmap with a checklist towards an unofficial 1.0 
>> release, at which point I would consider this still under development but 
>> safe to use. 
>> If you have any thoughts on that please let me know.
>> Roadmap:
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/bullets.html#Roadmap
>> Demo: 
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/bullets.html

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