Hi Dave, greetings from Dave.

Stroll: one time experiment I did to replicate a lot of Roam functionality 
in TiddlyWiki. Helpful two column structure. Helpful tutorials. Process: 
Use links to link tiddlers, use eyeball tab to view backlinks in different 
ways, shift click on links to open a second column to compare tiddlers side 
by side. Not a lot of development planned for Stroll, just updates as 
TiddlyWiki updates. Note the add ons in the separate 'goodies' file, linked 
to in the tutorial tabs.

TiddlyRoam: Someone named Joe took an early, unrefined one-column version 
of Stroll, called TiddlyBlink, and added TiddlyMaps to it. I say early and 
unrefined, but thanks to Anne-Laure LeCunff, a large number of people like 
TiddlyBlink, and it does work. 
I don't know if Joe will be developing TiddlyROAM further. Since TiddlyMaps 
doesn't work so great with Stroll, I tend to push people to this if they 
insist on using TiddlyMaps.

Drift: One of the Tonys was inspired by TiddlyBlink and created a similar 
project. It has a nice design, has tabs to show tiddlers that tag to the 
present tiddler, and keywords and other types of connection. Is 
one-columned. Tony keeps developing it as far as I can tell on this forum, 
so this is the one with the most chance of getting developed further. I 
would say it is a way better option than TiddlyBlink, and if TiddlyMaps can 
be incorporated, then it is also better than TiddlyRoam. I have told Tony 
he can use Saq's stories plugin to make Drift a two column monster like 
Stroll, but it doesn't look like he has taken me up on it. 

Streams and NotoWritey are  different animals than the first three, and are 
similar to each other.

Streams is an attempt to approximate outliner functionality (Dynalist, 
WorkFlowy) in a TiddlyWiki. It is great. I just started using it to 
reorganize my contacts and "info on hand". Caveats: not meant to be for a 
large project of gathering all your notes in one place. Each line you 
create in a Streams tiddler is its own tiddler. You can add features of 
Stroll to Streams (I did successfully yesterday), but either the comptext 
or the relink plugin or both don't work when you do. Streams is still in 
developmental stages, so use caution.

NotoWritey is similar to Streams but is geared more toward writing than 
productivity and outlining. The nodes that open for editing have an editing 
toolbar, which creates a cluttered feel, but increases functionality when 
writing a paragraph.

Hope this helps!

On Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 11:18:41 AM UTC-5 cedard...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm watching from afar with fascination as several similar TW editions 
> seem to be simultaneously developing in real time.
> I've been wanting to dive in but with little personal time find myself 
> suffering from choice paralysis.
> For those who have jumped all in on one (or more) of these editions,  what 
> is your use-case or typical work flow that has made the decision for you 
> personally?
> * Stroll : https://giffmex.org/stroll/stroll.html
> * Drift : https://akhater.github.io/drift
> * TiddlyRoam: https://joekroese.github.io/tiddlyroam/
> * Streams (keyboard driven draggable bullets): 
> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
> thanks, 
> - Dave

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