
Looking beautiful. 

I notice how ever after ctrl-p most characters at least on a QWERTY 
keyboard a shifted character

   - > search/execute shift-"."
   - < search/execute shift-"," * if we use this in future for macros << or 
   html <*
   - ? help shift-"/"
   - # search tags shift-"3"
   - @ search tiddler with this tag shift-"3"
   - [ filter operation unshifted
   - *{ filter operation shift-"3" if we use this in future for 
   - + new tiddler (optional *@tags*) shift-"="
   - | command palette settings shift-"\"

Now I was thinking if the *un-shifted character was available as an alias* 
it may reduce the keys needed to invoke a command would reduce by one key 
for many of the commands.

   - However this may not be sustainable given we may want to use the 
   un-shifted characters in the command dialogue.

I mention this because perhaps this is the opportunity to see if the 
shortcuts can become shorter, even just an alternative?

   - eg ctrl-= Open command dialogue and feed in "+" (= shifted version) ie 
   "ctrl-p shift-+" four keys vs two needed.
   - Of course this may vary with different keyboards, so perhaps 
   configured by the user 


On Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 10:47:43 PM UTC+10, Souk21 wrote:
> New version 0.0.6 ! <>
> Changelog:
>    - [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed field 'cp-hint' to 'command-palette-hint' 
>    for consistency
>    - New shortcut commands for customization. Allow to call an action 
>    string from the command palette with any prefix of your choice. Choose a 
>    'trigger' prefix that will override any other commands (even builtins like 
>    + or @). The input (minus the prefix) is then set as a variable 
>    <<commandpaletteinput>> for optional use in your action string (see 
> example 
>    at the bottom)
>    - actionString commands can now ask for user input. Set 
>    'command-palette-user-input' field to 'true'. The input is then set as a 
>    variable <<commandpaletteinput>> for use in your action string. (see 
>    example at the bottom)
> @Diego Mesa: While I would like to do a rewrite and there are still some 
> features I'd like to add, nobody complained about losing data yet. 
> Another point that might change is the name, as some people think it's 
> misleading in relation to TW's color palettes
> So I would say it should be safe to use, but is probably gonna evolve a 
> bit before reaching 1.0 :)
> About core/plugins, I've never looked into the process, so I'm not sure.
> Thank you !
> @TW Tones: Thanks for the kind words!
> EditorMagic looks like a really nice addition! 
> If I understand correctly, it would be some kind of autocompletion engine?
> It would indeed be nice for CP to be able to interact with it.
> It should be fairly easy when the data is available.
> @JD: Thanks a lot :)
> how do I access the text of the CommandPalette input box and have it 
>> available to an actionString - type custom command?
> It was not possible before, thanks to you, it now is :) 
> You only have to add the field 'command-palette-user-input' to any 
> actionString command and set it to true
> The command palette will ask for user input before invoking the 
> actionString (with your hint if it's set)
> You can then access the input value with <<commandpaletteinput>> inside of 
> your macro
> I tried looking at recently-modified tiddlers to see which one 
>> CommandPalette modifies, but there's none!
> Woops. I'm a bit ashamed, but for now CP does not use state tiddlers. 
> Instead the state is stored in the DOM. I know it's not really in line with 
> TW philosophy, but it's way easier for me to develop it like that. I'll 
> definitely try to do it at some point.
> command-palette-hint contains the text of the hint informing the user of 
>> what the command does (for example)
> I reworked the hint system and it is now available to every command (where 
> it makes sense)
> command-palette-popup-key can contain a key which, when inputted, will 
>> reveal the submenu, in context of the current custom command
> For preferences on how the text string will be parsed, I wish to access a 
>> preferences  page... So maybe by inputting "|" the submenu will open and 
>> allow me to configure things
> That's something I'd like to do in a next version, I'm still not sure 
> exactly how, but I'll think about it !
> BTW, you can also create tiddlers with tags : '+title @tag @tag2'
> Let me know if those changes work for you!
> Thanks for the support :)
> @Saq Imtiaz Thanks a lot! I didn't know. That probably saved me quite a 
> lot of time, and the solution is more elegant :) It's really nice of you, 
> thanks again!
> Shortcut:
> command-palette-type: shortcut
> command-palette-trigger: =
> command-palette-hint: New Tiddler with name
> tags: $:/tags/CommandPaletteCommand
> title: $:/New Tiddler
> type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<commandpaletteinput
> >>/>
> actionString with user input:
> command-palette-type: actionString
> command-palette-name: New Tiddler with name
> command-palette-hint: Enter the name
> command-palette-user-input: true
> tags: $:/tags/CommandPaletteCommand
> title: $:/New Tiddler
> type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<commandpaletteinput
> >>/>

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