I too try to stay with the core as much as possible. I agree with Talha131 
on this as it does describe my situation here pretty well. 

I no longer have the capacity to make extensive changes or adjust things 
for many of the awesome addons being produced to my needs due to brain 
damage but I do appreciate the hard work that goes into them. However prior 
to the brain surgeries, I used a lot of them and some became staples that I 
still find I can not get by with out.  I am using this primarially as a 
daily journal, photo album, and as a way to get memories back that were 
lost to me in all this. Some of those life defining moments were extreemly 
special to me and it us amazing to me that they were lost ever! Now that I 
have them again I am so thankful I even made the attempt (for me this was 
not easy). It has proven to be very useful in so many ways towards that 

A simple calendar and a way to create visual links and time lines are all 
that I really add. Tobias Calendar and Felix's tiddlymap along with the now 
included jounal which has been added to the core (so greatful for that!) 
are what I use so just those 2 plugins for me but, they are very essential 
to what I am doing specificly. Tiddlymap because it allows me to see 
realtionships visually and helps me understand how alot of these moments 
and memories link together. You can not remember what you have forgotten is 
such an understatment when they really are gone but, for me when I see 
those breaks in the chain sometimes my mind will bring those memories back 
which leads to even many more related to that one back. I have always had a 
huge appreciation for tiddlymap but so much more so now! THANK YOU FELIX!). 
It also helps me keep an eye on my own thought processes when used with the 
daily journal so if an issue is identified that I was not aware of, I can 
see it and work on it with my providers. I originally got involved with 
TiddlyWiki5 when I was teaching and used Tiddlymap for mind mapping prior 
to this so using that managed to stick. 

I am pretty sure we all have special use cases that require some 
customizations and plugins (even I do so thats a pretty safe bet) but if it 
were possible to have all that capability I definitly wouldn't want to add 
anything not essential to my needs. I know I am missing out on a lot of 
added new functiionality even from the core that could potentially help me 
like backlinks and other things I have been reading about here on the 
forums that sound so exciting and I could definitly use a calendar with a 
bit more funcitonality (such as adding links to the date cells from the 
daily jounals so I can see when an entry was made) but I have to keep it 
simple. The simpler the better and I can always look at the history to get 
to those prior entries.

To me this is the beauty of Jerrmey's creation here, the flexability 
provided and I know he always has one eye on that as he works towards 
trying to make it meet as many use cases as possible while not breaking 
backwards comaptability or of course the core itself LOL. It is truly a 
work of art as much as anything else! 

So in short No but would love too!

On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 5:37:57 AM UTC-5 talha131 wrote:

> I  use the TW core version. 
> I also try to make sure I use as little third party plugins as possible. 
> Right now, I only have the ReLink plugin that is not in the core. Other 
> plugins like Katex and Highlight are in the core.
> You do not have to worry about a TW edition's lack of upgrades because it 
> will not stop working. The real issue is the bugs. If an edition is 
> bug-free and suits your needs, then you should use it.
> My motivation for using the core is to learn the customization process so 
> that down the line, I can create my personal TiddlyWiki edition. 

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