While trying to understand why dates are handled as they are in TIddyWiki, 
I found out it is not TiddlyWiki but Javascript that is the problem.

View this thread 
for some craziness (https://stackoverflow.com/a/31732581)

On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 11:18:20 PM UTC-4 TW Tones wrote:

> Re parsing an input;
> There is a facility in the current pre release keyboard-driven-input Macro 
> <https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#keyboard-driven-input%20Macro>
> This allows actions to be executed from an input field, say with enter. 
> This may provide the opportunity to do post entry processing. Effectively 
> allowing you to make more sophisticated parsing take place on a per input 
> basis.
> Thus you could pass the value to other functions, if available for the 
> result.
> Regards
> Tony
> On Sunday, 13 September 2020 01:45:25 UTC+10, amreus wrote:
>> Ruby has this great library called Chronic that parses strings into Ruby 
>> Date objects. It handles date strings that are human friendly as well as in 
>> rigid formats.
>> You can see some usage examples here: https://github.com/mojombo/chronic
>> Has anyone already made such a parser for TiddyWiki5? Does anyone know if 
>> a similar library exists for Javascript which could be used?
>> Why?  I have a textbox for rapid list item entry.  Instead of picking a 
>> due-date for example, I just want to include the due-date as part of the 
>> text and have a macro parse it out from the title and add it as a date 
>> field. An example entry in my textbox might look like this:
>> Schedule a fire system test due:"oct 1 8am"

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