>> From me (Charlie
>> Aside from having ADHD (attention subtype), I have this strange cognitive 
>> issue in which I cannot see any one thing without all interconnected things 
>> (at however many degrees of separation) related to that one simple thing.  
>>  That makes it really difficult for me to discuss something in isolation 
>> without the context of all things connected.  So I have a lifetime of 
>> always dealing with complexity, always seeing everything as intertwingled, 
>> and always coming up with quick solutions and waiting for everybody else to 
>> catch up because I've processed so many frigging details that nobody else 
>> has processed.
> From Tones
Here you are saying you are ahead of us all! That you deserve some 
> exceptionalism? What do you know about me and my relationship to 
> complexity? Is a diversity of views they most important thing here.

Ah crap.  No, that was piss-poorly worded by me.

A lifetime struggle of trying to take the intertwingled mess in my head and 
trying to sort it out and keep it short, and that's a regular/recurring 
fail on my part.

Seeing everything as interconnected/intertwined/intertwingled, and feeling 
so different from everybody my whole life because of it, I've come to see 
it as me being cognitively flawed.  A weakness. Something that makes me 
broken vis-à-vis everybody else, as in I don't fit in this world.  Hardly 
something that makes me better than anybody.

To compensate for that broken feeling, I try to think that a greatest 
weakness can be a greatest strength.  It makes me feel better about myself.

I was trying to express where my obviously unorthodox way of thinking comes 
from, and to express that I try to see my flaw (seeing everything 
connected) as a strength, and that "strength", just as my experiences, are 
just things that shape my perspectives, not things that make me better than 
anybody else.  Maybe perspective in context is useful.

All of that just in the hopes that folk can understand my perspective 
(agree or disagree, both are A-1;  just like any perspective you may have, 
it is based on your own experience, so your perspective is just as valuable 
as mine in conversations.)

Expressing my own perspective is always in the hope of connecting someday 
with somebody who may understand what I'm trying to convey, and maybe find 
a better way to explain it back to me, because I struggle to find the words 
to explain what I think.

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