Amazing:  Adding topics from to browse from within my 
own TW instance is a cinch, i find.  Have added an entry for "WikiText", 
and now i can drill down in 2 clicks for a quick how-to that saves me a 
good minute or few of context-switching penalty, that will quickly amount 
to hours of time saved.  Even if that's all we do with it, i can't imagine 
why anyone would NOT such a documentation utility in their wiki.  Certainly 
i'll be including this in all my instances from now on.

Now going further: I'm wondering how this might be adapted to other 
reference sites, even if non-tiddly; could this be possible?  I cloned the 
tiddler from your latest upload, @Charlie, to see if i can adapt it to pull 
from my most-commonly referenced site:  Called my new 
tiddler "Wikipedia", changed every instance where your code calls "TW Ref" 
to a "Wikipedia" call, and swapped in as the 
base URL -deleting the suffix .html, since wikipedia doesn't use that, 
interestingly.  Now i've got a "Wikipedia" tab in my sidebar, with a new 
pulldown list for the 3 Wikipedia topics i added, so the UI works fine... 
But this new utility pulls no content, save the error msg:  "It may have 
been moved, edited or deleted."

So i'm wondering: is there a bug in my adaptation of code appended below? 
Or is there some more fundamental problem -like maybe it only works with a 
TW static site?



\define AddTopic( topic )
<option value={{{ [[$topic$]split[ 
]join[%2520]addprefix[ }}}>$topic$</option>

<$select tiddler={{Wikipedia!!title}} field="curr-topic">
<!--🔴 AddTopic takes as input tiddler titles from  and  
creates a link to same tiddler at the static site.
             Add/modify/remove items as per the following three examples
             Order the topics as per your preferences
             Add   "optgroup elements to group entries" -->
<<AddTopic  "TiddlyWiki">>
<<AddTopic  "WikiWikiWeb">>
<<AddTopic  "Project_Xanadu">>
</$select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href={{Wikipedia!!curr-topic}} title="Open web 
page in a separate window/tab"  target="_blank">link</a>
<iframe  src={{Wikipedia!!curr-topic}} height="500" width="100%"></iframe>


On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 6:32:07 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> G'day walt (I'm not sure I'm comfortable writing slash walt ...)
> Oh no, not from
> From
> So the static pages exported to, not theTiddlyWiki 
> instance itself (that you get at
> Embedding content from a whole TiddlyWiki instance would be way too slow 
> performance-wise for this kid.
> Individual static pages on request, that's pretty fast.
> Please, do take a look at the last attachment I posted in this thread 
> yesterday (April 22):  unzip that attachment, import the tiddler into any 
> tiddlywiki (I like to try things right in
> If you have any questions about the content in that tiddler or how to add 
> other items in that select widget, get back to me/us here....

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