Please forgive the somewhat newbie-ish post. What I am trying to do is similar to something another list member posted about recently, but I was still new to the list and getting my mail app to properly file list-mail. As such, I lost some of the threads.

I use TiddlyWiki a fair amount, with different wikis for different purposes: one for coding projects, one for master's thesis research, one for my scale modeling hobby projects, etc. But for each of these I have a similar need: I want to be able to create a new tiddler with some amount of text already present (generally just a collection of headings at different levels).

Using the scale modeling wiki as an example: I want to be able to click a button and create a new "Project" tiddler, in which a few basic tags are set but which also has the skeleton content of:





   !!Web References


I have similar needs for the other wikis, but different basic structure.

I would normally think of this sort of thing as a template, but I think that TW uses template to mean something different? I found a very close sample of this on the Grok TiddlyWiki site, using "$action-sendmessage" and "tm-new-tiddler", but it wasn't clear how to include body content.

Thanks in advance,


Randy J. Ray      San Jose, CA
Silicon Valley Scale Modelers:

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