Ciao Jeremy

This more a footnote than a big comment.

First I am grateful you documented the change so well and so thoroughly!

Just FYI, I have done a lot of "direct insertion" over the last year for 
wiki that simply host materials I pre-process in  Powershell and directly 
insert into TW.

The new structure actually looks like it will simplify what I need to do 
as  appending to to end of the TW will work just as well, and better, now 
as the mid-insertion I was doing before. That, for me, has benefits. Not 
least it makes it much easier to identify problems if I make a boo-boo.

Many thanks

On Wednesday, 14 July 2021 at 13:35:46 UTC+2 wrote:

> It doesn’t sound very exciting, but the new JSON-based store area has now 
> been merged into the prerelease.
> This is the big change that has prompted us moving from v5.1.23 to v5.2.0. 
> It brings one major benefit to all users of TiddlyWIki: the characters used 
> in field names are now unrestricted, making it possible to use fieldnames 
> like "My^Field” or “☃️”.
> While that is an important change that we hope will lead to the 
> development of interesting new techniques for working with data in 
> TiddlyWiki, the biggest risk of this change is that it is not fully 
> backwards compatible.
> That is to say that *any tools that work directly with TiddlyWiki files 
> will no longer work as expected, and need updating to understand the new 
> format*.
> The new format is documented here:
> We have tried to anticipate the problems that this change might cause, for 
> example working with Simon Baird to fix TiddlyHost ready for the change. 
> You can follow the technical discussions here:
> But now we need everyone’s help to try the new version, to help us 
> identify any incompatibilities before the final release.
> Please try the prerelease with as many different saving mechanisms and 
> server backends as possible. You can report any problems here, or by 
> opening a new ticket on GitHub.
> For me personally this feels like a big milestone. TW5 has used the same 
> DIV-based tiddler store area since the very beginning in 2011, having 
> directly inherited it from TiddlyWiki Classic. I reused the old format to 
> give TW5 compatibility with the ecosystem of tools around TiddlyWiki 
> Classic. Now that the TW5 ecosystem is so much bigger, it makes sense to 
> move to a store area format that has fewer restrictions and is easier for 
> developers to work with.
> Just for fun, I wrote a Node.js one-liner to extract the tiddlers from a 
> TiddlyWiki HTML file. In contrast, a few hundred lines were needed to read 
> the old format:
> var 
> fs=require("fs"),tiddlers=JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./editions/prerelease/output/index.html").toString().match(/<script
> class="tiddlywiki-tiddler-store" 
> type="application\/json">([^<]*)<\/script>/)[1]);console.log(tiddlers)
> Questions and comments welcome,
> Best wishes
> Jeremy

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