
Whatever you are thinking, start by forgetting about TiddlyWiki for now.  
Put on a "systems/business analyst" hat, and think "information modelling", 
what is the end-result you want, and then start going backwards, figuring 
out what information you need to get to the current stage you are looking 
at.  The current stage is information transformed somehow from some state 
in a previous stage.

And you keep going back and back and back, towards the raw data that 
however many stages back.

Consider using a spreadsheet, the first columns of which are the end result 
you would like.  Then it columns after that, the information as it probably 
needs to be before, and how it gets transformed to the current.

For example, say onions is in your grocery list for this week.  How do you 
figure out how many onions?  The number is based on how many onions you 
need for each recipe you are making this week.  But it is also based on how 
many servings of each recipe.  If some recipe normally calls for 1 onion to 
serve two people, but you are having two other people for supper, then you 
need twice the amount of onion.

But in the grocery list you print out, before going to the store, you might 
check your onion inventory in the fridge.  And you remember you picked up a 
whole bunch of onions last time because they were on sale.  So you realize 
you don't need as much onion, or maybe none at all.  So you will scratch 
some notes on your printed grocery list to adjust the numbers.

So mock-up a grocery list for some week, and figure out the steps to get 
from recipes and ingredients to a tidy grocery list.  What information do 
you need, and what are the transformations from A-Z.

Yeah, may not seem like fun, but I love that kind of stuff ...

On Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 5:50:32 PM UTC-4 cassandr...@gmail.com 

> Hello everyone, 
> New here, using TW since a year ago but only for simple notekeeping which 
> didn't use a lot of in deep knowledge with it.
> I'm currently using the latest version available of TW (the v5.2.0 I think 
> ?).
> So here's my problem. As an effort to manage a bit more my money and my 
> time, I decided to invest in a batch cooking book which has proven great 
> overtime.
> My problem is that each week, I need to manually type the cooking list on 
> my phone/computer.
> I decided if I keep on doing it for a long time, I could as well simplify 
> the process. I thought about using TW but I am at loss as how to do it.
> *What I would want ideally* : 
> - To click on or in the tiddler "Week 1" for example and have an automatic 
> generated list of all the ingredients I need to buy for this week
> - At the same time, I wish I could check/uncheck which recipe I would want 
> to in this week or not and have the adapted grocery list
> - As an add-on, it would be great if I could check multiples ingredients 
> and see recipe which contain them
> The first thing (in my mind) doesn't seem complicated as I can simply 
> write the grocery list in "hard".
> But I can't even begin to imagine how to "uncheck" a recipe of this week 
> and "decrease" the grocery list accordingly. 
> As a very very very basic knowledge (minimal), it would be like for 
> exemple creating a variable for "egg" which would contain "4" if all recipe 
> are checked but if I uncheck recipe for the tuesday which contain an egg, 
> the variable egg will be "3".
> And to do it for all ingredients / recipe.
> Is someone here has an idea how to begin or to do something similar, I'm 
> all ear !
> Thank for your answers

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