OH, and one other thing I found the hard way, turn off the auto save. I 
found that the constant saving was causing problems and I was much better 
off with the manual save. And Thankyou Télumire! I didnt know you could do 

On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 10:12:15 PM UTC+1 Télumire wrote:

> And for a better experience using GitHub I suggest you use the external 
> core setup, that way saving will be very fast (as long as the wiki is not 
> too big of course): 
> https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/how-to-reduce-the-size-of-your-tiddlywiki/5364
> On Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 23:09:58 UTC+2 Télumire wrote:
>> FYI you can create a token easily with this link: 
>> https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo&description=tw
>> On Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 15:38:00 UTC+2 Ross Table wrote:
>>> no, you have to generate a PAT (
>>> https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token),
>>> its sort of like a password then on the wiki you have to click the cog and 
>>> find the github settings and paste it in there along with the github 
>>> account name and other stuff, that field is then saved locally (I think as 
>>> a cookie but not sure) so you have to do it the first time you time you try 
>>> and make a change from that device/browser. (IF you don't have the PAT in, 
>>> it will "download" a copy to your downloads folder)
>>> One thing you can do to limit the risk of the PAT is to create a new 
>>> github account that has just your tiddlywiki's as this reduces the reach of 
>>> the PAT and treat it like a password.
>>> A PAT will be about this length and contain "random" characters, 
>>> letters, numbers etc, MIGeMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GMADCBiA (please note this 
>>> is not actually a PAT)
>>> It all depends where you want to access it from. From a personal 
>>> security POV, I would not recommend making an IP and port in your home 
>>> reachable from anywhere unless you really know exactly what you are doing 
>>> and the security risks that are involved in doing that.
>>> On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 2:25:44 PM UTC+1 Joan Forn wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the fast response,
>>>> I did tried to add a tiddly in your page and was not saved (wich is 
>>>> nice). ¿Do you have to enter your GitHub password everytime you do want to 
>>>> save changes?
>>>> I found this solution that works too:
>>>> 1) start a LXC container or VM in your proxmox server.
>>>> 2) inside the LXC, type:
>>>>        2.1)  "npm install -g tiddlywiki"
>>>>        2.2) "ip a"  to get the eth0 ip addres of the LXC, in my case 
>>>> ""
>>>>        2.3) "mkdir /home/tiddlywiki"
>>>>        2.4) "tiddlywiki mywiki --init server"
>>>>        2.5) "mywiki --listen host= port=8080"
>>>> 3) tiddlywiky is accesible by typing "" within any 
>>>> web browser from a device located in the same LAN
>>>> 4) *Optional*: Make "" reachable to WAN by forwarding 
>>>> it to your domain via cloudflare tunnel.
>>>> El jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023 a las 13:01:35 UTC+2, Ross Table escribió:
>>>>> I have had great success integrating with github. I purchased a domain 
>>>>> and have setup subdomains, each of which points to a different wiki that 
>>>>> I 
>>>>> am using for something different. There is no hosting fee as its hosted 
>>>>> on 
>>>>> github, the down side to this is it is technically public for anyone to 
>>>>> view. If that works for you I highly recommend it. If you go that route, 
>>>>> feel free to PM me or checkout the public repo's I have 
>>>>> https://github.com/aquilaRoss?tab=repositories
>>>>> This biggest gotcha was main vs master and finding where on github 
>>>>> they have hidden the PAT generation stuff.
>>>>> On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM UTC+1 Joan Forn wrote:
>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>> I am looking for some guidance regarding editing tiddlers on my 
>>>>>> iPhone. I would like to have a similar behavior as Notion, where any 
>>>>>> edited 
>>>>>> HTML is automatically synced across all devices and users who have 
>>>>>> access 
>>>>>> to the page.
>>>>>> Recently, I came across TiddlyServer, which seems promising, but 
>>>>>> there doesn't seem to be much documentation about it.
>>>>>> ¿Any advise me on whether this is possible or any suggestions on how 
>>>>>> to achieve it?
>>>>>> Many thanks

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