I want to see if I can use Tiddlywiki to start a collaborative history
of peace monitoring in South Africa... Have various friends
interested, including those who worked for the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission, or the anti-fraud squads in the SA police
( which is a loooooooooooooooong way from where she/ we all started in
her relationship to the police), and various other interesting types
who drove the length and breadth of KwaZulu Natal to stand between
warring parties with nowt but a mobile phone and some useful phone
numbers to help protect funerals, political meetings, rallies and
protest marches from ending in massacres. Contributors will be from
all over SA and some, like myself, have ended up in the UK.

My next questions will be loading pictures...

But, I can't get my first attempt to save. I have Chrome running as my
default browser but did open Tiddlywiki in Firefox for XP. However, it
says it can't save, because my browser does not support saving. Do you
have a pcperson who wouldn't get toooo bored answering my questions.
Noticed that although downloaded from Firefox, the download took on a
Chrome logo... is there something I can switch off in Chrome to make
this work?

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