Hi everyone,

@PMario and everyone else

I made a few changes to the stylesheet. Most importantly, instead of
trying to outsmart my css capabilities by giving some buttons a
display:block (to allow them to stretch), I've put most everything on
display:inline with a reasonable minimum padding. I've tested on both
FF and IE and they seem fine now... so check out version 1.0.1


Thanks for the flowers, much appreciated ;o) ...it was actually your
question [1] that got me thinking ...and above all (re)started.


1) On fields... I have noticed and taken care of that part of the
code ...at least, so I believe ...and asked (cmari) to possibly
confirm that mine doesn't come with that problem. [2]

2) On losing focus... that's probably because you tried to click into
the searchbox. However, it should have focus from begin on ...so that
you're actually not required to click in it. Instead, just start
typing. But it's good that you've pointed it out ...I'll put a note in
the howto.

Cheers, Tobias.

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/browse_frm/thread/41e56dbcc764fc9d
[2] http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/browse_frm/thread/734cfa74d5f1bbca

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