On Jan 20, 2:18 pm, chris.d...@gmail.com wrote:
> So I'd like to propose that we being a process of migrating the
> content ofhttp://tiddlywiki.orgto a space or collection of spaces 
> onhttp://tiddlyspace.com/
> If people have concerns, objections or encouragement, please post
> here. This is not a done deal, just a proposal, but the benefits seem
> a win:
I - of course - must recommend giewiki as an alternative to
The pros and cons executive summary goes something like:
+ Better revision control, including diff and revert
+ Recent changes, recent comments, tree structure, SiteMap, page
templates, etc.
- It's currently a fork of TW 2.4.1
+ It's only 320K before content, as compared to 770K for TiddlySpace
+ It's cloud-based, which means Google will host it on redundant
servers for little or nothing.

The one major piece still missing is server-side search (I have my
eyes on Whoosh-AppEngine for that solution). I don't know what
TiddlySpace has to offer in this department.

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