> My question, is, what is *so* special about Tiddly in your opinion?
> For me, Tiddly sounds like: 1) tags 2) search 3) wikilinks 4) timeline
> All of this Wordpress can provide, but probably much slower, which is  my
> motivation to pursue TiddlyWiki

* personal wiki (tags, search, etc. - as you've noted)


* local, *private* content (not on a server)
* work offline (doesn't even need the 'net!)
* no application to install (uses your existing browser)
* self-contained (single file, except for images, of course)
* portable (carry it on a USB stick, send it by email, etc.)
* build complete "applications" using plugins, scripts, stylesheets,

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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