On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Dani Zobin wrote:

> Hey Alex, that's interesting. How that's? One of the prominent elements that 
> I noticed during my short time in this list, is that people here seem to be 
> JS/css developers, or half the way there,  as this is what needed to twist 
> the application (and it seems that everybody do it). Which is fine for me 
> personally, but I did notice to myself that this is probably not an app for 
> regular end users

Unfortuknately, that seems to be true, but not necessary. What is needed is 
decent documentation, sufficient at least for getting potential adopters who 
are not developers, who are attracted by the potential practical applications 
of TiddlyWiki in their own work, over the hump of initial bafflement. 

Most of the available documentation, on the websites and in the PlugInInfo 
tiddlers that accompany many plugins, is as obscure as TiddlyWiki itself is to 
the potential non-developer adopter. E.g., some don't bother to mention 
dependencies on other readily available plugins. 

Sophisticated users, especially developers, are generally not good at writing 
documentation. What is needed is a writer who can put himself or herself in the 
position of a naive adopter. 

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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