Hello all and sorry for my incoherence below if indeed the case,

I've also had a bit of problems with FF5 trying to upgrade.
However, as per suggestions on the groups I have a portable version of
FF and all seems fine.
I will be content for now until the issue gets resolved.

> ... It has been a pleasant
> ride but now it's over. Thank you Jeremy, Eric and all the wonderful
> people who contributed to this rather unique piece of software. Moving
> on...

I also get worried when this thinking surfaces and get curious as to
Maybe it can better help us in our tw quest...

Sometimes as humans we tend to become very disenchanted
when our creativity or the ability to do so dwindles.
I'm not saying that this is the case, however.
It is best to step back and reassess the situation.
Even walk away from it all together for a bit
, but with intentions of coming back and exploring further.

I don't post much, but I'll say this, ever since I started using or
rather fiddling around with
TW as work and life do not permit me to make a full commitment to it,
has been a frustratingly enjoyable ride this has been it.
Sometimes I feel like yanking my hairs out as the saying goes, but I
love it.
TW is my primary go to note taking application.
Even at work I use it as my primary source of personal info.

Then again, I am not a creator or innovator...more of a cut-n-paste
kinda dude.

If it wasn't for all of you  and your informative threads
then I would definitely have thrown the towel aeons ago, so to speak.

To all of you in Tiddlyverse, keep up the good work and best regards!


On Aug 16, 5:49 am, soulman <guidoglat...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Tryed an update via FF5 from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 where I received a popup
> with the message
> "error with the new source code".
> Tryed out the update with IE8. It seemed to be working but all my ä, ö
> and ü signs were broken.
> After that I had the idea to update it with an old FFportable version
> (2.0) and suprise, surprise
> the update works, my signs are ok and all plugins are properly working
> at the moment.
> Hope this will help a little bit.

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