Hi Mans and the other !

I don't want to spoil Eric's calling. I want to help him.

I must insist.
Did you see the google trends about TW ??? I'm not saying TW is bad,
on the countrary ! But i'm saying google said TW is fading away.

I just guess, from my own perspective and my own difficulties that is
partly due to the lack of global policie et repository.

Take the example of plugins.
It seem's logical to go there to find the last one 
? (updated the 3 nov 2011)
and what do we find here ?
http://tiddlyvault.tiddlyspot.com/ that is dead for more than 2 years
now and http://plugins.tiddlywiki.org/plugins/ that is not searchable
easily, and the last 3 month, we only see Eric's activities.
and http://news.tiddlyspace.com/ ??? is that a joke ?? I don't have a
clue of what this page is about.
Doesn't (at first glance) exactly give you the ideia of a great
organised active communnity, no ?

And for the documentation, you give plenty of links ... but the
question is : how easy are they to find WITHOUT asking on this
list ????
idem for the plugins.
How easy are they to find by themselfs ???

I, personnally, cannot follow 10 pages an mailing list to be aware of
what's new somewhere about TW.
When I compare to other communities, I don't have these kind of
Say Lua ?
I check the ML. I read the [ANN] post. And that's it. I know what is
Drupal ? idem, there is a page I have to check, and only one, I know
everything is here.

TW ?
The mailing list is not too active. No plugins announced for month ...
Is Eric the only one standing ???
Maybe I'm dumb and I have missed somthing, but googles trends seem's
to say I'm not the only one.

and what about TW5 ??? no new on this list for so many time ... do I
have to know the secret link hidden somewhere ?

look on http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ no new posted from 28 February 2011
till 20 October 2011 !!!

Don't misinterpret me !!!
I'm not critcising !!! Or let say, I know it's easy to criticize !!!
not so easy to "do" ;-)

I think that it would greatly help Eric to attract and keep users
since TW is really a great tool.
I think that you have everything ready, just lacking to organise it

And, what about TilldlyWebSpace ? I don't understand to what part of
my remarks it answer ...
It have greatly evolved (in more than 2 years I haven't checked it).

But it doesn't answer where are the plugins and the "hot news" and the
doc, etc...


I' am a friend despite a little "irony" in my style of writing (and
I'm french ... not my native langage, not always so easy to explain my

On Nov 8, 2:30 pm, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Yoann
> > It is slowly dying.
> > Why ?
> > Because there is no [ANN] list for plugins, or some recognized central
> > area where to find them, and for more than 2 years, we have the
> > feeling that nothing happens in the TW sphere ...
> > Maybe also because TW5 is not coming out, and people look for freash
> > new tech elsewhere.
> You haven't noticed what happened with TiddlyWeb/Space during the last
> two years?
> If that's not freash new tech - please tell what is??
> Please checkouthttp://tiddlyspace.com- and enjoy all the great (and
> new) contributions: plugins, themes, docs etc...
> I've only known the TW-community since 2009 - and I've had fun -
> getting support and new things to play with (almost) on a daily
> basis.
> I do *not* recognize or understand your point of view - maybe because
> I'm also active in several other relatively popular open source
> projects (linux distributions and groups) none of them presenting the
> users with (less than) half as much activity from:
> - developpers
> - aspiring programmers
> - users
> - moderator
> I think this group (and TiddlyWeb) has presented the most responsive
> community of programmers and users I've ever come across anywhere
> else... (since 2009)
> > Sorry to say that because I'm a huge fan of TW.
> If you are still working on your mindmap idea:http://ideia.tiddlyspot.com/
> (16 April 2009?) please have a look at Jon's mindmapplugin at
> tiddlyspace:http://mindmaps.tiddlyspace.com/tiddlers.wiki
> or Tobias' playground with the hypergraphplugin:http://hype.tiddlyspace.com/
> You might get som inspiration to get on with your own (btw) excellent
> project :-)
> Both are easily sharable via inclusion on tiddlyspace .... thereby
> allowing users to interact with the code instantly....
> I think TiddlyWiki via TiddlySpace has opened up to a broader public
> of "ordinary" web-users, who has little or no knowledge of html or
> javascript whatsoever -
> Maybe TiddlySpace is the "Noah's Arch" for TiddlyWiki (because of the
> newly introduced security plans in browsers) providing everything -
> and even much more usercontrol than any other collaborative wiki
> feature and at the same time it still can be downloaded and used as a
> single file...
> TiddlyWiki and TiddlySpace are great open source projects - and I
> think we owe it to the devellopers, as well as to ourselves (and new
> users coming because of TiddlySpace), to try to support an individual,
> like Eric, the moderator of this group (I hope for years to come) if
> we can....
> I hope Eric will get so much time he will eventually be able to
> participate in the devellopment of TiddlySpace - or (as a minimum) get
> all of his great plugins syncronized to the TiddlySpace server, so we
> can pick them from there.
> See the idea? If you have published your plugin on TiddlySpace - your
> upgrades will get into all spaces which have included it - unless
> ofcourse you have changed it - saved it to your own space...
> Now a plugin is like a ShadowTiddler - If you don't like the changes
> you've made yourself - just delete it - and you'll get the programmers
> latest upgrade - INSTANTLY!!!
> I think I can say I *LOVE* TiddlySpace - and I'm sure I would love it
> even more if Eric maintained his plugins on TiddlySpace.....
> (Just a hint @Eric - hope you understand why it would be SO great if
> your plugins were maintained by yourself on TiddlySpace. - I'm sure it
> would ensure that your great Plugins would work with TiddlySpace most
> of the time.. - and that TiddlyWeb devellopers would participate in
> the usergroup discussions more often... (not that they don't - they
> DO, however developing plugins on TiddlySpace seems to imply that you
> have to be uptodate with any new coredevellopment -))
> Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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