Thanks a lot for the quick fixes!

*You may need to correct the cell references in your tables.* (Sorry for 
> that!)

Realy no need to apologize. That's the success ;.) of necessary testing of 
plugins of such a magnitude, you freely took upon you to develop. Not even 
a developer giant like Eric took that much upon himself (mind it, that 
maybe would be a worthwhile business idea to pursue?). I'm rather worried 
that in this process of finding countless and intricate bugs, plus feature 
requests (spreatsheet software sets a high level very difficult to come 
even close to, considering the hundred MB calculation power behind). Even 
the other giant Google with whole teams of developers, for example, appear 
to haven't been able to implement fixed row or columns in their html 
representation of sheets (only in editing mode they are though).

In this situation better don't get too much sidetracked by additional 
feature requests, but maybe better only improve and stabilize what it 
already does. Think it wise that you made two separate plugins, The 
intricacies of table formatting really deserve it's own dedicated plugin 
you could add at an other time..

For improving on the existing some further remarks: At the moment the 
biggest drawback for editing large tables with TableEditor is that it seems 
to be very resources demanding. But my computer isn't really powerful, and 
having FF with various tabs open and a OO calc file of several MBs makes 
either or both crash. However, just trying to copy and paste the counta 
calculation along the whole row made FF crash or freeze 2 times. And then 
it left a 0 byte TW again...

Also it seems to create as much backups as cells edited (without autosave 
enabled!) - I don't understand why saving the whole TW with almost every 
cell edited is really necessary? 
I think it shouldn't at all - even the tiddler should only be saved once 
the user decides to commit the changes made (kept in temporary memory 
before). Believe this would already reduce much of the strain it causes my 
poor browser.
Even when no table is opened, the constant popping up of messages without 
obvious meaning indicates these plugins are unnecessarily using resources, 
even when they actually shouldn't be doing anything.

Some remaining bugs:

Adding rows or columns (with a large table, for example, at the bottom and 
to the far right) causes a jump to the upper left corner and opens the cell 
at the bottom right corner of the browser window for editing. Deleting rows 
further up causes the same jump but the cell opening in edit mode is 
somewhere in the middle at the right edge of the jumped to visible window.
Updating 24 columns from A to Z by adding or deleting works fine now. After 
Z the lettering condinues with [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c ...calculating with theses 
cell-references still works, but aren't updated by copying formulas or by 
adding/deleting rows.
Any letter which contains a number at its side is mistaken as a cell 
reference, and therefore gets corrupted by adding/deleting rows or columns.
Copying and pasting calculation with empty space at both sides of the 
formula for centering the result doesn't work (most of the times).

 Best wishes.

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