I upgraded to FF17 today (64-bit Linux) and can confirm that the older 
trick of editing your prefs.js as described earlier in this email thread no 
longer works.  That is confirmed in this long thread on the mozilla site:  

So, it looks like the only way to use TiddlyWiki on Firefox as a single 
file (ie., not using TiddlySaver.jar) going forward is to use the Tiddlyfox 
plug in, so many thanks to Jeremy for providing it.

That means we get an annoying popup dialog box every time you open 
tiddlywiki from now on, but I'll learn to live with it.


On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:21:39 AM UTC-5, Theo K. wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded yesterday to Firefox 17 and am a heavy user of TiddlyWikis. 
> Surprisingly, the update broke the save operation for my mGSD - Getting 
> things done - wiki.
> Surprisingly, because I've installed the TiddlyFox extension (
> https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox) which should 
> enable saving.
> Even more surprising, other wiki still were able to save using that 
> extension, but not that one. I've found a solution for that, as well, more 
> on that below.
>    - So in your case I would install the TiddlyFox extension and check 
>    then if saving works. If it does, you're done.
>    - If not, have a look at the pre head section in your tiddlywiki with 
>    a texteditor. Mine had some Google analytics code in there. Upon removing 
>    that code, the TiddlyFox extensions started to work with this wiki as 
> well. 
>    - If you find code there, be sure to check the MarkupPreHead-Tiddler. 
>       In my case this tiddler caused a reinsertion of the analytics code in 
> the 
>       prehead section. Clearing this tiddler helped.
> On a side note, the new Firefox-version killed the FirefoxPriveledgesPlugin 
> as well. It now states "Error: TypeError: 
> netscape.security.PrivilegeManager is undefined" when trying to view the 
> privileges.
> Hope that helps,
> Theo
> On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:21:24 AM UTC+1, PhilBee wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just experienced a similar problem with FF 17.0.
>> While my TW works fine with FF Version 9 and FF Version 11, as soon as I 
>> try to 'SaveChanges' with Version 17.
>> I think the problem is with the latest releases of FF because I get 
>> similar problems with other non-TW programs.
>> Any suggestions?

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