I am interested in the opposite. on my wiki, the saved wiki toast stays on 
top of the edit-close-additional toolbar until i dismiss it. i would rather 
it just go away after a few seconds but i have to dismiss it before i can 
access the toolbar. but this might be a problem caused by whatever style 
plugin i am using.

On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:00:26 PM UTC-3, Jimmy Bostoen wrote:
> Not sure if this group already discussed something like this or similar
> Most of the time I just use the new TW5 on my work, for reading and adding 
> some notes, and I make use of the tiddlyspot save feature.
> The issue I sometimes face is not knowing if I saved the changes made in 
> the wiki (due file being open for an hour or so) or if I even made changes 
> to it.
> Also when saving to tiddlyspot, the proxy acts up, nullifying my attempt 
> at saving so I get the notification 'saving wiki', but not the 'saved wiki' 
> toast
> Is there a way to know your file was last saved?
> like a message 'last saved at HH:MM:SS on YYYY-MM-DD'
> or I a way to keep the notification 'wiki saved' on screen until I 
> manually dismiss it?
> or even just a note that says: 'wiki edited since last save'
> Just so I have a reminder to hit that save button...
> At the moment I just use the browsers console log to see if the POST was a 
> succes and if not, I retry.

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