Hello Albert,

This may be of interest:

in the current snapshot (0.2.2) there's 


option that is defined in your code, but which is not used anyhow;
at the same time there's


option which is used but is not defined. Looks like it was the same option 
and you renamed it in some parts of the code, but forgot to do so in others 
(or some other mistake took place).

By the way, the tag suggestion feature works nicely! First, I've suspected 
that it can interact poorly with transclusions when one wants to transclude 
a section:
<<tiddler [[some tiddler##
or with second level of numbered lists
## list item
but tests showed that the workflow is quite reasonable: in the first case 
there's no suggestion at all, and also if one uses AutoSuggestion to get 
the tiddler, (s)he will get
<<tiddler [[some tiddler]]
first and then go add the section part. And in the second case when a space 
is added after ##, the suggestions are hidden.

These made me think, though..
* one more idea: autosuggestions of sections/slices can be added! below are 
some use-cases, "l" represents the cursor:
<<tiddler [[some tiddler##l
<<tiddler [[some tiddler::l
<<tiddler [[some tiddler##l]]
<<tiddler [[some tiddler::l]]
* there's one more case where tag suggestions are useful: filters there are 
two cases:
** tag filter. Examples of use-cases (obviously, there's no need for the 
##addition in this cases):
<<list filter '[tag[l
<<list filter '... [tag[l
<<list filter '[tag[l]]'>>
<<list filter '[tag[l]] ...'>>
<<list filter '... [tag[l]]'>>
    as you can see, these can be described as /\[tag\[([^\]]*)($|\])/m if 
I'm not mistaking
** other filters that can "eat" tags:
<<list filter '[filterName[##|
    (and versions with or without smth before/after as well)
In these two cases, of'course, instead of [[tagName]], either tagName]] or 
tagName should be inserted.

Great work!

Best regards,

четверг, 3 апреля 2014 г., 17:01:50 UTC+4 пользователь Yakov написал:
> Hello Albert,
> четверг, 3 апреля 2014 г., 12:03:22 UTC+4 пользователь Albert Riedinger 
> написал:
>> Hi Yakov,
>> Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
>> Initially this plugin was an experiment, but I also think that it has 
>> more potential. I'm a novice in JavaScript and especially in RegExp so it's 
>> hard for me to achieve progress. But it's fun and I'll try my best :)
>> Unfortunately At.js doesn't support unicode (and won't in near future), 
>> so now I try to work around this issue without using more dependencies like 
>> XRegExp library. I'm german so support for diacritics (like äöü) is 
>> critical for me. I already tested some solutions and it worked more or 
>> less, but I had no time to implement it yet. Does it work for you using 
>> kyrillic characters (if you use any at all)?
>> Not sure what do you mean here by "doesn't support". I've tried to type 
> tiddler names starting from cyrillics ([[До) and got the proper 
> suggestions; I've even created a tiddler which name starts from ASCII 
> letters and contain cyrillics (New Tiddler Ъ) and if I type [[Ъ or even 
> [[ъ (not capital letter), I get the right suggestion listed. What exactly 
> didn't work for you?
> By the way, I've noticed that I have to click the "autosuggest off" button 
> twice to make it switch to "on", this is a small bug, I'd say. Not sure 
> what's the cause.
> Also, I'd either omit the hideReadOnly param (to keep the code clean) or 
> set it to true (no reason for a guest to get the suggestions for editing as 
> he or she won't be any editing anyway). By the way, in TiddlySpace, the 
> "view instead of edit" mode for guests doesn't allow to type any letters, 
> so this doesn't work as demo. If you'd like to show some demo directly in 
> the space, you have to manually create a tiddler with some <html>...</html> 
> containing a textarea where a guest can type and (s)he gets the suggestions.
>> Implementing support for pretty links should be my next challenge. As I 
>> said, I'm new to all of this and it's kind of complicated to write a RegExp 
>> for such a case. Maybe you have some ideas[1]? Matching "[[..." is easy, 
>> but I don't really know how to match simultaneously this: "[[some text|...".
> Well, the easiest RegExp the matches [[some text| would probably be 
> /\[\[[^\|\]]+?\|/, but I'm not sure how this should be passed to .. is it 
> .atwho method that sets the autoSuggestions?
>> Making space symbol after suffix ("]]") an option should be easy. I will 
>> implement this right now and release it on tiddlyspace soon.
>> I'll add a couple of ideas just see some perspectives. One this is 
> replacing html-entities (special symbols) with actual symbols like this:
> * let's imagine I'd like to add a left-to-right arrow (&rarr;)
> * I start to type &r
> * I get a "→" suggestion -- *not* "&rarr;"
> * I chose it and get much clearer wiki-code, without that unreadable 
> "&rarr;" stuff
> Though, I don't know if there's an interface to get a list of all these 
> "abbriviations" (rarr, larr, uarr, darr, harr, times, bull, 
> .......................) and an interface to get there unicode equivalent.
> Also, "--" -> &nash;/&mdash; could be processed in this manner.
> A similar thing can be used with MathJax plugin to turn \rho to ρ etc. 
> (though, just autoreplacing can be done instead of autosuggesting 
> replacement, but autosuggesting seems to be more flexible)
> Another possible application is to combine this with CodeMirror for 
> TiddlyWiki (see [1] for the latest release and discussion). This can be 
> another huge step in turning TW into a dev environment. Fortunately, Mario 
> is here and probably can comment this somehow.
> Finally, autoSuggestions can be used in the tags line which seems to be 
> more beatiful and faster than Udo's interface [2] (although, Udo's solution 
> implements some smart algorithm for ranging suggestions).
>> Spasiba Yakov for your interest and your suggestions!
>> You are welcome (it's acually "spasibo" ;)
> Best regards,
> Yakov.
> [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/KRnQvzazULE
> [2] http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#IntelliTaggerPlugin
>> Albert
>> [1] see matcher function of At.js > 
>> https://github.com/ichord/At.js/blob/master/dist/js/jquery.atwho.js#L616
>> 2014-04-02 17:39 GMT+02:00 Yakov <yakov.litv...@gmail.com>:
>>> Wow, Albert,
>>> great stuff! Do you plan to implement suggestions for the [[some 
>>> text|syntax (to complete it to [[some 
>>> text|target tiddler]])? Also, it would be nice if adding the space 
>>> symbol after ]] is optional.
>>> This approach surely have potential for different applications, thanks 
>>> for that.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Yakov.
>>> среда, 26 марта 2014 г., 20:52:02 UTC+4 пользователь Albert Riedinger 
>>> написал:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> a few days ago Ramnath requested[1] a tiddler link suggestion feature 
>>>> in edit mode, so I wrote a quick-and-dirty commands plugin[2] for the good 
>>>> old TWC. It is just an implementation of At.js[3], which allows word 
>>>> suggestions in textareas. After activating this feature with the toolbar 
>>>> command, typing double square brackets "[[" in edit text field will 
>>>> suggest 
>>>> tiddler names, while left-angle brackets(?) "<<" will suggest you 
>>>> installed 
>>>> macros.
>>>> I'm not a programmer and it is my first public plugin, but I think that 
>>>> your TW won't explode using this little hack :P
>>>> Have fun and let me know if you find it useful!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Albert
>>>> [1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/b5xYteF6U9c/discussion
>>>> [2] http://autosuggest.tiddlyspace.com/#AutoSuggestPlugin
>>>> [3] https://github.com/ichord/At.js/ (see also: 
>>>> https://github.com/ichord/Caret.js/)
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