Hi Rich,

> Is there a way to delete a Tiddler without opening it or viewing it?
search for "delet" on tb5 

Firefox has a plug in that will show the EXIF data
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/exif-viewer/ 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Faddons.mozilla.org%2Fen-us%2Ffirefox%2Faddon%2Fexif-viewer%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGoOEoA7-JCjIOdgwLOT2FYRs0UNg>
> I have no idea if this helps or is possible to use to grab the EXIF data to 
> use as TAGS
Pretty sure, if at all, you'd want exif data to be fields, except tags. It 
appears reading exif data is not entirely impossible, but here's a mild 
impression by an image hosting giant like flickr about what is involved to 
get that even remotely up and running, that is without doing server 


Theoretically, to get exif data from what you want to be external images, 
you'd still have to...

   - import the images
   - thus have TiddlyWiki turn them into base64 encoded blops
   - read exif data
   - delete them again

Perhaps it could be possible for a tiddler embedding an external image to 
access the exif data of the embedded image. This requires loading the image 
in the browser first, of course. But then, looking at...


I read in the example.html...

Click the images to read Exif data. The first image tests reading single 
> tags, while the other two simply show all available data. 
> *Note: *these examples will not work if running from a local file:// URL. 

So, that's that, no local file access... and usually no cross-domain access 

So the major disadvantage of this way of importing images is that they are NOT 
This is the part that made your browser go crazy, having all those 
megabytes of images displayed at the same time.

Perhaps try a different approach: Take a look at the file format you get 
using TiddlyWiki's new export functions, e.g. JSON... find a suitable 
desktop app to produce such a file from the image names extracted from your 
folder, if only excel / calc, whereas each individual tiddler definition 
contains that <<ximg>> line in its text field.

Oh and Tobias is CORRECT there are already existing Photo Manager that are 
> better suited for this stuff.

Of course they are not TiddlyWiki ;)
It would surely be nice for TiddlyWiki to do any of this in a painless way, 
painless for a user and painless for a dev. The desillusioning bit is: it's 
truly not. Just try to find even a desktop app that exports exif data for 
you in a way that you think "oh, that works well". Found one?

Side note my code went up about 150 - 200K doing the images this way.
> I think once I massage the data I could delete the original import and drop 
> it down to about 30k or less but it is still only 1 Tiddler.
> So is there a <<Split Tiddler>> function to take the single big image file 
> list and break them into individual Tiddlers.
I don't think dropping html from the folder viewer is too meaningful, atm, 
because you get a lot of html garbage. It is much easier and cleaner to 
just build your "import" file manually as suggested above.

> Here is how the Single Tiddler Looks - I did not need to remove the extra 
> space but I could have using a 'replace' function in my txt editor
> <<ximg "      IMGP0367.JPG    ">>
> <<ximg "      IMGP0368.JPG    ">>
> <<ximg "      IMGP0369.JPG    ">>
> <<ximg "      IMGP0372.JPG    ">>
Make them individual tiddlers. To do that, first work those image names. I 
always use a software like AntRenamer to rename those stupidly numbered 
images titles by the date-time stamp they were taken, e.g. 

Best wishes, Tobias.

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