Hi Mat,

> I found this little treasure of javascripts: JavaScript Kit - Free 
> JavaScripts <http://www.javascriptkit.com/cutpastejava.shtml>
BTW, that site also links to a site on DHTML. 

It looks a bit like a dusty treasure from the dark ages,
refering to concepts from back then...
which, of course are still usable today, like an ax is. ^^

What I mean is, DHTML is from a time
when people thought it was good to write code this way...

<a href="#" onclick="var x=2;callMyFunction();" style="color:AliceBlue">

...which is pure evil,
throwing all the different aspects of a program
into one bucket where eventually
you never find the right spot
...or manage to manage that code, ever again.

...which makes me wonder, just how do I integrate a javascript into TW?
I find very little info on tw .com on this, probably Modules 
> <http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Modules> is the most informative one, 
> which is not much. 

yes, writing things like modules: http://tiddlywiki.com/dev

however, the task of TiddlyWiki(.com) cannot be to teach you JavaScript
you will have to do that yourself
please don't start with a site like the above, one with "snippets" from the 
better google "javascript tutorial" or "learn javascript", etc... or some 
specific topic
or take a look at: http://www.w3schools.com/js

an even more fruitful endeavour would possibly be
to start using node.js and all the bells and whistles

"You create a tiddler and set the type to XXX. You must surround the code 
> with YYY and ZZZ. And for the core to execute it you must make sure that..."
you can start experiminenting with:
Basic Javascript Macro @ tb5 

> And if it is not a direct procedure, is there any way to tell how tricky 
> it would be?

it's JavaScript development and can get as tricky as "I want to create 
something like this TiddlyWiki thing"

If anyone is kind enough to answer, please note I'm not a programmer so I'd 
> really appreciate the dummies version.

There really is no dummies version.
There only is that process that you either (dare) start or you don't.
Which means: you always start (feeling) as a dummy.

> Is this something we can use in TW? 
Actually, other than JavaScript, HTML and CSS what is directly applicable 
> in TW?

Most importantly:

   - Go about it differently!

Don't ask:

   - What could I possibly do?


   - What do I want to do?
   - Why do I want to do that?
      - be clear about your goals
      - ask that five times over to get to the heart of your motives
   - What steps need to be taken?
      - compartmentalize and modularize
      - you'll never do it all at once
   - Will I need help with any of it?
      - Where? From Whom?
   - What is the next step?
      - and the next step
There is no universal guidebook to any of that.
You need to walk every little step along the way... yourself.
Sometimes, you have a mentor to ask and reply,
sometimes you have awesome tutorials that help you learn,
some of which ask you to pay a buck: https://www.codeschool.com

I know jQuery is basically JavaScript so this should work, right? Other 
> languages?

jQuery is not a language, it's a framework, a library, an abstraction layer 
wrapped around the language that is JavaScript. So far, I have yet to see 
someone use it in TW5. This process would start with properly making the 
library available in TW5 

There are different kinds of abstractions that facilitate working with 
JavaScript. A totally different approach would be CoffeeScript 

All of this does not matter so much, at all. What matters is that you find 
a goal and then take on that challenge and adventure of figuring out how to 
make it work. It will be a slow process, it will require lots of learning, 
you will make abundant mistakes — coding always comes with nasty bugs and 
stumbling blocks — you will discard mountains of superfluous and redundant, 
if not false stuff, go ahead a step and back two. I sure encourage anyone 
to join the dancers... but the most important thing is to swing those 
limbs, not to read "swinging for dummies" ...unless that actually helps you 
do just that. ^^

Best wishes, Tobias.

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