Hi all

Rich Shumaker is evil! ;-)

Thanks to this thread 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/AatW5wFls-w, I 
discovered Rich Shumaker's "TW inside a TW" 
http://t5a.tiddlyspot.com/#_canonical_uri%20Example. That got me thinking 
again about TW as an infinitely expandable content management system. So 
thanks to Rich I spent a day tinkering instead of getting my own work done. 
So he is only evil in that he distracted me from my work for the day. But 
actually I am grateful to him for doing that! Thanks Rich!

I created a central hub file called InfiniTiddly, then I made a number of 
adjustments to the Psalms TiddlyWiki I wrote about earlier today and 
created a portal to it in InfiniTiddly using Rich's ObjectFrame.


The Psalms tiddler found there is actually a portal to access the Psalms 
TiddlyWiki. I could file Infinitiddly with objectframes to many other 
TiddlyWiki files in this way, and have an fairly infinite library of 
tiddlers accessible in one TW, and a user might not necessarily realize 
that that is what is happening. Filesize becomes irrelevant.

I am happy with the results so far, but there are some wrinkles I would 
like to see ironed out before I start using this widescale:

On the bright side:

1. Viewing: I hid the sidebar in the Psalms TW so that what comes into view 
in the Infinitiddly is the default tiddler, not the sidebar. The Psalms 
file has a white background now so that it does not contrast with the 
tiddler contents.
2. Printing: When printing from Infinitiddly, only the tiddler contents 
shows, not the icons or either of the frames.
3. At the top of the viewtemplate in the Psalms file, I have a home button, 
a download/save button, a link to a special search tiddler, the chevrons to 
reveal the sidebar, and more/edit/close. They are off to the left so they 
won't interfere with the outer InfiniTiddly more/edit/close, and they are 
separated by color to make it easier for the eye to scan and memorize them.

On the medium side: There are probably more icons there than most people 
will want to stomach: 3 icons for the frame tiddler in Infinitiddly, and 
seven icons in the tiddlers at the Psalms file. In particular it would take 
some getting used to, to avoid closing the outer frame tiddler when what 
you want to do is close the inner Psalms tiddler. But I am content with 
this for my own use, and I think it looks pretty clean. You be the judge.

Problematic and beyond my limits: 

1. While on my laptop (Firefox in Windows) long tiddlers have scrollbars, 
on my iPad they do not, and there is no way to get to longer content.
2. When printing longer tiddlers from Infinitiddly, the Psalms content 
below the bottom of the Infinitiddly portal tiddler is cut off.
3. There is no way to permalink a tiddler from the Psalms file while 
viewing from the Infinitiddly file. The Infinitiddly file is what stays in 
the browser address bar.
4. The process of viewing the content from the Psalms tiddlywiki is pretty 
slow on the iPad.

Would love your suggestions: Are there ways to fix these four problems? Are 
there other problems with these files, blind spots I have not considered? 
Are there easier and more appropriate ways to do the same thing (I had to 
tinker with several core shadow tiddlers, and the CSS is probably a mess).



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