El domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015, 23:57:49 (UTC+2), Mat escribió:
> Danielo, thank you for your replies!

Thank you for your interest. 

>  Now, if it would help *you *to have a guinea pig 

That would be nice :D

> but it would not make sense for me to try to set this up for actual 
> personal use because I would depend on others even for the slightest of 
> problems.

Everyone depends on someone else at some point. My way to understand what 
the hell couchdb is and how it works was a very frustrating journey: 
everyone at everyplace talked about very advanced topics. Even the official 
site jumped from very basic explanation to in-deep topics. After feeling 
like it was too much for me I left the topic apart. Then my brain started 
his own adventure of gathering knowledge without my consent, and someday I 
felt like I should check the project again, and then I understood it. So, 
my advise is: don't worry if you don't understand something at a first try, 
that is the normal thing! just read it, and leave it in your mind like a 
wild animal, and someday you will be capable of hunt it.
And, for this particular "thing" you have someone who wants to help you 
with it. My plans are to create a special edition of tiddly-wiki with 
detailed instructions about how to do this. I would love to count with your 
creativity and your point of view for the project, which are points that I 
feel very valuable. I want to be clear that my goal is to create some kind 
of blogging tool based on tiddlywiki, and not a new way to share 
tiddlywikis. But once it is setup, it should not be hard to maintain or 
update, specially when you understand the "flow"

> So, do I understand there are three main components to this:
>    - the TW (hosted anywhere)
> The tiddlywiki html file hosted anywhere with the couch adaptor plugin 

>    - the database - as hosted by Cloudant. Why, BTW, do you propose a 
>    couchdb service rather than a pouchdb service - or maybe there are no 
>    pouchdb services?
> Let's throw some light on this. CouchDB is a database, like Mongo or SQL 
can be (but very different). Cloudant is a service that allows you to have 
a database, they have databases as a service. PouchDB is a JS library that 
is aimed in having a couch-like database directly inside your browser, so 
it's not what we need for this purpose. It can also sync to a couch 
database, but we don't want this neither for this project. So what we need 
is just a single online database, and Cloudant gives you this for free.

>    - an adaptor - that translates a TW file into the database file 
>    format... or is it perhaps that it translates tiddlers so they can be 
>    stored in the database... meaning then that we're really talking TW on 
>    node.js? - And it is the adaptor thing that you're working on, yes? 
> The adaptor is the responsible of talking with the database. It can load 
tiddlers and save tiddlers from the database. The adaptor is the core of 
the plugin, and it works in any tiddlywiki.

TW_File --- save tiddler ---> adaptor ---> couchDB
TW_File <---loadTiddler----- adaptor <---- couchDB

Again, sorry for my basic questions, but what does "repo" (-sitory) mean in 
> this context?

Ask as many questions as you want. On this context the repo means where the 
code of the plugin is published. The needed tools and the instructions for 
installing it are there.

I hope this is more clear by now. If not, don't hesitate to ask! You are 
able to understand whatever you want.


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