Hi Tobias

In general, I am guessing usage cases and writing filters which might be of 
use. The reason I adopted the filter expression method for list operators 
in the first instance was for this very reason -- it is difficult to guess 
what users will do with lists.

With this approach, the $action-listops widget remains simple, the 
complexity being confined to the filter expression. As usage cases become 
better defined, it may be necessary to add other filters and may also be 
possible to eliminate a few.


On Tuesday, 27 October 2015 11:31:19 UTC+2, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Hi Metabele,
>> I have updated the append[] and prepend[] operators to understand a 
>> prefix and suffix. The prefix designates the number of items to take from 
>> the operator parameter (to append or prepend to the list) -- with no 
>> prefix, these are taken from the head and with a prefix from the tail.
> It appears you are assuming that individual titles are simple words´.
> I don't think that works as planned as a filter may not have a 
> sub-filter-list.
> Append and prepend should work exactly as any of your *put-foo* filters,
> only just that the marker needs no specifying.
> Also, isn't the generic way to append or prepend simply doing...
> filter="prepended appended" 
> ...whereas *appended *gets appended to the list on which there is 
> *prepended*
> or *prepended* gets prepended to the list on which there is *appended*.
> So, what's the use-case for these two
> that the general filter syntax can't do out of the box?
> In other words, to me it should be...
> filter = [list[Days of the Week]] Yesterday Today Tomorrow +[prepend:3[]]"
> ...if we are to stay consistent how to select and act on a number of 
> list-items.
> So, it selects the last three in the list and puts them first in the 
> specified order.
> Assuming the list Days of the Week held one item, namely "
> *[[Party Friday]]*", the resulting list would be...
> Yesterday Today Tomorrow [[Party Friday]]
> ...in its stringified version.
> Best wishes,
> — tb

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