Hi Jan

Easy things first. Good idea ;–)

My current idea is also to use the extract-macro the other way round...in 
> order to build a sort of replacemanet for slices. Mark a textpart ant then 
> insert it somewhere else by means of the the macro.
This is exactly what extact was made for.

> It would be an idea to use the same mark-up for those slices as for 
> slides. Somethin like <sli1> text1 </sli> <sli2> text2 </sli>
> To find them it would be nice to have a macro that would look like <<slice 
> "Tiddlername" 1>>.
Ah – a simplified meta-macro (I just invented that word) like our ref 
macro. Of course this works. I made a demo on 
http://tid.li/tw5/numbers.html, see Chapter 2 Paragraph 1.1.

Code: http://tid.li/tw5/numbers.html#%24%3A%2F_telmiger%2Fslice 

\define slice(tiddler,nr,mode:"block")
<$macrocall $name="extract" tiddler="""$tiddler$""" start="<sli$nr$>" end=
"</sli$nr$>" mode="$mode$" class="slice"/> 

I opted to add the mode parameter so you can change to inline mode if you 

And I close the tag using the number <sli1>Your slice</sli*1*>. I am not 
sure yet that this is the final solution, maybe there is a standard HTML 
tag we could use and a custom param like <section slice="1">Slice 

By the way, I think I smashed the bug that was preventing you from 
updating. I guess you have to add class="summary" (or class:"summary") to 
your existing macro calls.

I hope, this works for you. All the best!

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