Hey Mario,

is there a possble conflict when you uses different same active classes 

tc-table-of-contents in the wiki (p.e. Sidebar or other menus) ?

Dont get it working here ...

Kind Regards

Am Montag, 6. Februar 2017 13:58:36 UTC+1 schrieb PMario:
> Hi folks, 
> I did create an alternative version to create a TOC. 
> A plugin at: https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/tocP/ ... it's *beta *
> atm!
> Triggerd by the Non-tag based collapsible table of contents 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/d1MNMmaOAck>thread 
> and based on an old experiment. 
> *Important*! -> Don't use your production TW for testing!
> You can install the plugin by dragging the plugin link to your TW. The 
> plugin contains a readme and a minimal UI to enable / disable the "New 
> Child Here" buttons in the tree. 
> It contains the full functionality. So you have the same possibilities 
> that come with the core toc macros. 
> tocP .. A simple treetocP-expandable .. A tree in which all the branches 
> can be expanded and collapsedtocP-selective-expandable .. A tree in which 
> the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
> tocP-tabbed-internal-nav .. The target tiddler appears in the right-hand 
> panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the linktocP-tabbed-external-nav 
> ..The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the 
> user's configured storyview)
> The tabbed versions don't have the "New Child" buttons
> Feedback is very welcome. 
> have fun!
> mario

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