Ciao Mat

There is *much *in your reply. You articulated ONE thing spectacularly well 

but the general problem is of course how people should find (and find out 
> about) everything concerning TW.

I agree the issue is not plugins per se. Finding them is merely *an 
instance* of that broader issue.

IF I can get my brain to coordinate the needed clarity on this I will start 
another post from the NEEDED starting point.

Best wishes

On Thursday, 27 April 2017 18:55:38 UTC+2, Mat wrote:
> Josiah,
> I had noticed Erwan's Community Search. 
>> <> But I never used it much 
>> because (1) its very incomplete, (2) way behind now, (3) has lots of links 
>> that go nowhere (deceased links, old).
>> What I did NOT know till I read your post was that folk with online stuff 
>> need to do a couple of things to get it to track their work. *In other 
>> words it is tardy simply because so few people are signed onto it*.
> That is why the Community Search is not enough per se. It aims to help 
> people find stuff but if people don't even find the Community Search... no 
> cigar. This is why I keep coming back to TWederation. That is a system that 
> builds on personal incentives and social interaction. It is a LOT easier to 
> add notes if I do it for my own sake than it is to actively share them. For 
> example, just the fact that you have plugins X, Y and Z installed are of 
> potential value, if others knew. You have those plugins because of personal 
> incentives. If you also happen to, say, blog for others to read, I think 
> this is also more likely if you do it in your own TW than e.g here on the 
> boards where you are not in control of your text. 
> You ask "Do developers know about the Community Search?". Not unless 
> anybody told them. And there is not enough personal incentive to do so, or 
> even to keep the Community Search in mind. (for example, you knew about it 
> but still don't talk about it... not out of evilness but I'm guessing 
> your're of course not thinking of it much.) Besides, few people have as 
> much time as you and I to write on boards like this. Definitely a luxury.
> Other than the boards, I'd say people only "read" But the 
> Community Search is presented on just like any other 
> community site/plugin/whatever. It is not "promoted" or referred to in any 
> other tiddler that I know of. So, my guess is newcomers simply don't get to 
> know about it. Jeremy is the gatekeeper to tiddlywiki .com and he is doing 
> a fantastic job, but he is only one man and IMO simply adding a tiddler for 
> each reported site is not enough. There is no categorization or context to 
> find the info in. And the links are not updated. Besides, his super skills 
> are better used on advanced stuff.
> again, TWedreation, driven by "the masses" is my best shot for an 
> answer to this information-spreading problem.
> My 2nd question is: Why are we not doing more to ACTIVELY PROMOTE such 
>> tracking of developments in TW Erwan's thing already makes possible?
> I try to bring it up on the discussion forum every now and then (like 
> now). But, there is also some mental resistance to do this because the 
> Community Search is not designed the way I would personally have preferred 
> it. The biggest problem is that is appears outdated and the HUGE thing that 
> it actually updates EVERY day is too subtle.
> But, yeah, you knew about it. You're one of the more active fellas here. 
> And still you're not actively promoting it. Why?
> My 3rd question is:  Why are *you* not using it :-) 
> As noted, I typically create a new site (a tiddlyspot) for each new 
> creation. And one has to report every site to the Community Search OR 
> report one "main site" into which one writes the other urls. I do have my 
> "blog" TWaddle reported... but TWaddle became passive a year or two ago 
> (because there was no good mechanism to save only public/ready posts. I 
> recently solved this and I'm fiddling aournd with a revamp for TWaddle.) so 
> reporting each new thingy I make is... ufff... 
> TWederation is also the only thing I can think of where each person 
> himself decides how the data is to be presented, since it is in their own 
> TWs. "I want to prioritize all fetched posts from Josiah", "I want to 
> delete all posts not starred", etc. "I want an alert every time I fetch 
> tiddlers containing the word plugin". Can't do that here or on 
> <:-) 

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