Hmm, I haven't tried yet. Let me find out ...

The answer is both yes and no.

Yes, it appears all of my modifications were saved when I used the 
traditional TiddlyWiki save button (to trigger download) and looked into 
the file directly (text editor).

But when I then tried to load the saved file into a browser I got a RSOE 
(tried both IE 11 and Chrome on Windows). So, in the sense of having 
something that just works, it failed.

If I had the time and skill, I might try to look deeper into NoteSelf with 
the goal of making a CouchDB saver plugin.

There also appears to be a bug in that NoteSelf either blocks or prevents 
the encryption built into TiddlyWiki from working.

On Monday, July 10, 2017 at 10:34:15 AM UTC-4, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Ciao Lost Admin
> I do think the PouchDB / CouchDB approach is interesting. MOST INTERESTING 
> about it is its seeming *universality across most platforms as far as I 
> can see*. Because its saving to database its fragmenting the one-file 
> model. And the one-file model is central to TW. And I hope it stays so. So 
> long as one can EXPORT a one file from a Pouched TW it will instantiate its 
> origins. Can it do that? 

> Josiah 
> Lost Admin wrote:
>> I hate to say this, but I think the "real solution" is go give-in to the 
>> current trend of pushing eveything to a "web application" and run it from a 
>> server in "the cloud".

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