Lost admin,

Are you referring to my words "Browser embed eg NoteSelf no DB"?

If you were I would suggest by example a tiddly-wiki for playing tic tack 
toe would hardly suffer from the changes going missing. 

My interest in such a solution is providing tools to people, that get a 
specific task, done, end of story. Helpful if it remains indefinitely but 
not essential.


On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:52:30 PM UTC+10, Lost Admin wrote:
> That would be a bit risky. Once "clear all data" and your content is gone.
> On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 2:21:30 AM UTC-4, TonyM wrote:
>> P.S.
>>    - Browser embed eg NodeJS no DB
>> should read
>>    - Browser embed eg NoteSelf no DB
>> I would also like to see the in browser embed/save method used by 
>> NoteSelf (without DB) to be an option on all relevant browsers, with the 
>> save/download process helping people secure or backup the wiki as at a 
>> point in time, or to permit distribution or single file use.
>> This would allow the use of tiddlywiki as a webapp freeing tiddlywiki to 
>> work in a somewhat server-less mode (After read only open).
>> Regards
>> Tony
>> On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 4:13:21 PM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
>>> Mario/ @TiddlyTweeter
>>> A reboot and auto-load of the IIS Webdav solution its all there working, 
>>> with Chrome not demonstrating the same fault as before so add Chrome to the 
>>> list of Very successful browsers on top of Windows 10 Home.
>>> Perhaps I did as you said. Perhaps I would have resolved it if I had 
>>> searched for the error, something we may expect users to do.
>>> Yet another TiddlyWiki server!
>>> @TiddlyTweeter, I agree with the epoch of THE BONANZA OF SAVING METHODS
>>> I also know if there are a hundred ways to do something each with their 
>>> own bespoke method sometimes people will try a few, and if they don't get 
>>> what they want and give up. 
>>> We need firm tested solutions and need to provide a structured table of 
>>> requirements and methods so people can choose the best option. 
>>> One way to excuse the dearth of options and deal with the resulting 
>>> complexity is to present the number of alternatives as features, with a 
>>> nice table of advantages and disadvantages for each solution people will be 
>>> empowered to select one that suits and enter the world of TiddlyWIki with a 
>>> good impression. 
>>> Here is a brain dump of options I know off that have friendly save and 
>>> load, please add to this list if I have missed something includes from 
>>> http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted
>>>    - Single File on FireFox with TiddlyFox (<V57)
>>>    - Single File on FireFox ESR V52? + TiddlyFox (including 
>>>    Portableapps.com version
>>>    - Single File on Chrome and safari (these does not work in my view 
>>>    although you can work around)
>>>    - With NodeJS on any browser and platform inc Desktop, Server, NAS, 
>>>    Rasberry Pi
>>>    - I believe there is a "runtime" NodeJS bundle I have not yet tested
>>>    - NoteSelf in Browser
>>>    - NoteSelf with DB
>>>    - IIS and WebDav (Chrome, FF, Safari, IE, Edge etc...)
>>>    - Beaker Browser (yet to test)
>>>    - TiddlySpot
>>>    - TiddlyDesktop
>>>    - AndTidWiki? Android
>>>    - Using Node.js in Termux (android)
>>>    - MicroTiddlyServer TWC Only?
>>>    - Using Store PHP
>>>    - TiddlyIE extension (not used by Me)
>>>    - TWEDit on iPad/iPhone
>>>    - Git 
>>>    - Dropbox etc...
>>> There would also be value letting users know which browsers have which 
>>> kind of tools available, I love a lot about firefox as a complement to 
>>> tiddlywiki because of addons that integrate but of course this is expected 
>>> to change.
>>> So on consideration of the above each solution need to list features 
>>> like;
>>>    - Single File
>>>    - Multi file (eg Node JS)
>>>    - Database store
>>>    - Save as Single File
>>>    - Platform OS to Host
>>>    - Hosting Method eg NodeJS or IIS WebDav
>>>    - Platform / App / Browser access
>>>    - Read only eg Git? 
>>>    - Browser embed eg NodeJS no DB
>>>    - P2P
>>>    - Interactive but read only ways to publish are also important to 
>>>    many
>>>    - Accessibility/Security eg Localhost, LAN access Internet host
>>> For the conversation
>>> Tony
>>> On Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 7:33:37 PM UTC+10, PMario wrote:
>>>> Hi Tony,
>>>> Thanks for testing. ... error 412 ... 
>>>> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/412
>>>> So did you save from an other browser or tab, and then save witch 
>>>> chrome, without reloading first?
>>>> -m

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