Tiddlyserver is great. Thanks very much for the work you've done on it. 
It's worked flawlessly for me so far.

In my opinion, the 'default' saving mechanism is badly flawed to the extent 
that there is no auto-save. That's enough to stop me from using it.

At the moment, I do all my writing in Tiddlywiki but if I had to rely on my 
stupid brain remembering to save my work all the time (like in the bad old 
days) I think I would have to switch to generating content in a 
wordprocessor and flipping it across into TW, it's that important.

Although the bloat on electron apps is indeed comical, I may nevertheless 
have a 'play' and see if I can make it work as an electron app. I'm also 
exploring how I might make a raspberry pi image available for people to use 
(the 'obvious' way is to seed a torrent of it somewhere, perhaps also on my 
raspberry pi!)

On Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 5:26:53 AM UTC+10, Arlen Beiler wrote:
> My bad, I see I misunderstood you. Yes, I think having many options 
> available to us is a good thing.
> TiddlyServer will serve any file in any directory it is told to serve. 
> Whether or not it will have the correct content-type header is another 
> matter, but if it doesn't, please feel free to open an issue on Github. 
> Also, would relative links work for you? It would seem like that would be 
> supported by both, regardless of protocol, etc. It depends on your file 
> layout, but as you said you could change them, which seems to indicate that 
> relative links should work fine. 
> Yes, I will continue to support TiddlyServer in my spare time. I actually 
> took off work at times to work on it, but now it is going to have to be a 
> spare time project unless maybe if people support it via PayPal. 
> TiddlyServer has stabilized now so it is a lot less work to maintain.
> Thanks for your thoughts. Enjoy!
> Arlen
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:17 PM, 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki <
> tiddl...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I didn't say setting up TiddlyServer was so hard. I said that setting up 
>> a batch file is no harder than setting up a server. 
>> Multiple options is always a good thing. I'm trying to point out that 
>> there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the default save mechanism. Each 
>> approach is likely to have some sort of drawback. For instance, when I'm 
>> running TiddlyServer my external links to local files no longer work. I 
>> could change them to use the server system path, but then they wouldn't 
>> work when I moved them to a device. TiddlyServer won't run on my aging 
>> Android (Termux isn't available until KitKit) so I would need 2 different 
>> links for the 2 different ways of working.
>> Also, TiddlyServer doesn't serve up MHT files. I realize that most people 
>> don't know about MHT, which is a shame. Once you've started using MHT 
>> files, you realize that this one of the most convenient ways to capture web 
>> pages. Of course, it might be the end of the road for MHT when FF57 comes 
>> out -- no way to know for sure until it happens. Pardon me if this already 
>> exists, but it would be nice if there was a way to tell TS to go ahead and 
>> serve up files of a particular extension. Then it will be up to the user to 
>> know if their browser or set up can handle that particular file type.
>> One of my other concerns is that I wasn't sure based on your prior 
>> comments whether you were going to continue to support TS, or if you were 
>> going to direct your attentions to a commercial product.
>> Anyways. TiddlyServer is a very nice setup. It might even be the one I 
>> eventually go with. But I don't think people should overlook the default 
>> save mechanism just because it isn't convenient out of the box.
>> Thanks!
>> Mark
>> On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 8:35:45 AM UTC-7, Arlen Beiler wrote:
>>> Hi Mark, 
>>> I'm wondering why you think TiddlyServer is hard to set up. I'm curious 
>>> if you've tried it yet, and if you have, I would be happy to answer any 
>>> questions you have and/or walk you through the setup, since it will help me 
>>> know how to write the documentation. How can I help you use TiddlyServer to 
>>> accomplish what you need?
>>> Always good to explore other options though.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Arlen
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:48 AM, 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki <
>>> tiddl...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> I forget that a lot of people find script files something mysterious. 
>>>> In the early days before the registry, everyone using a computer had to 
>>>> know about bat files when doing software installs. 
>>>> Here's all that's needed to launch TW as an app.
>>>> Put this script as a text file in your default download directory and 
>>>> name as "launch_tw.ps1"
>>>> param([string]$stem="foo", [string]$dir="")
>>>> $copyme = ls $stem*.html | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1
>>>> $copyme = $copyme.FullName
>>>> Copy-Item $copyme -Destination $dir\$stem.html
>>>> Invoke-Item $dir\$stem.html
>>>> For each TW you want to run, create a single line script. Here's an 
>>>> example named tw_bible.bat:
>>>> powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File .\launch_tw.ps1 -stem "bible" 
>>>> -dir d:\data\apps\TW_Ant
>>>> The "stem" name is the unique first part of the name (e.g. "bible" if 
>>>> your tw is bible.html). The dir is the path to the directory where you 
>>>> want 
>>>> to launch your TW from. If this is the first time using this system, copy 
>>>> your most recent TW file to the download directory.
>>>> Do a right click on the bat file and create a shortcut. Drag the 
>>>> shortcut to your desktop.
>>>> Now, whenever you want to launch your TW, just double-click on the 
>>>> shortcut. Your default browser will come up with the TW in a tab.
>>>> That's all there's to it. You launch your TW like you would any other 
>>>> desktop app. Once it's loaded in your default browser, you can save with 
>>>> the default mechanism, knowing the next time you want to run the tw you 
>>>> can 
>>>> just click on the start-up icon. 
>>>> None of this is harder to do than installing an executable and 
>>>> configuring a server. The scripts are simple enough that they could be 
>>>> typed out by hand if you were on a system cut off from the net.  
>>>> Caveats: As always, be sure to make a backup of your TW file, 
>>>> especially the first time you use this (if you're still using the 
>>>> TiddlyFox 
>>>> plugin, this approach might over-write your most recent TW file from a 
>>>> previous file in your download directory.) At the end of a session, if you 
>>>> need your file to synch somewhere (e.g. it's in a dropbox folder) then 
>>>> just 
>>>> run the shortcut again to copy over the most recent version. There might 
>>>> be 
>>>> more tweaking -- I don't have any beta testers yet! ;-)  I used it for a 
>>>> week and everything was fine (I'm using TiddlyFox as long as I can).
>>>> Mark
>>>> On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 10:06:53 PM UTC-7, Mark S. wrote:
>>>>> I don't understand your objection in #2. You're saying you'd rather 
>>>>> install an entire server or application on your system rather than deal 
>>>>> with a 5-line batch file?
>>>>> On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 9:22:36 PM UTC-7, JWHoneycutt wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you all for the thoughtful replies.
>>>>>> It seems as though there is confusion about the best way forward.
>>>>>> 1) TiddlyFox is going away sometime - so I don't want to get too 
>>>>>> enamored with it (Yes it is an installed add-on (Legacy) that does not 
>>>>>> work 
>>>>>> for me now)
>>>>>> 2) @Mark S - The beauty of a solution that works every time is ideal, 
>>>>>> except that you then proceed to explain that the default save has a 
>>>>>> "pain 
>>>>>> in the ass" character to it involving don't forget to's or batch like 
>>>>>> this...
>>>>>> 3) I have tried NoteSelf, and lost enough info due to my lack of 
>>>>>> understanding how simple it is - "just use it" becomes "just keep 
>>>>>> retyping 
>>>>>> the same tiddlers"
>>>>>> 4) I am totally willing to jump away from a single file system and 
>>>>>> into Node.JS, but as a newbie it acts strange, pulling up things I 
>>>>>> didn't 
>>>>>> mean to be in this directory... and I just don't understand it yet (but 
>>>>>> I 
>>>>>> think I would like it)
>>>>>> 5) TiddlyDesktop is my one and only savior - it is the ONLY way I 
>>>>>> currently know how to reliably update a tiddler, save to Dropbox, and 
>>>>>> find 
>>>>>> it later.
>>>>>> I can live with that.  the only problem is when I link to an external 
>>>>>> TW5.html file, it loads it in FireFox, and I have to remember NOT TO 
>>>>>> UPDATE 
>>>>>> IT THERE - use only for reference. If I want to start typing, I have to 
>>>>>> remember to launch it directly from TiddlyDesktop independently.
>>>>>> Does this thinking make sense?
>>>>> -- 
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