In my opinion, Tiddlyserver is the best solution. It's a really neat piece 
of work. You can use it to expose as much or as little of the filing system 
as you like and it seamlessly integrates with Tiddlywiki folders. I really 
think it's a great piece of work.

I wonder whether Arlen has already done any work on packing it as an 
electron app or similar (?) to make it even easier for people to use but 
it's already not very difficult at all. At the moment, I have two instances 
of it running my whole Tiddlywiki life - one on my machine as always and 
another on a Raspberry Pi plugged into my router. So far it's been really 
stable and rather something of a revelation. I can now Tiddle with 
impugnity from my iphone, for example.

On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 3:06:53 PM UTC+10, Mark S. wrote:
> I don't understand your objection in #2. You're saying you'd rather 
> install an entire server or application on your system rather than deal 
> with a 5-line batch file?
> On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 9:22:36 PM UTC-7, JWHoneycutt wrote:
>> Thank you all for the thoughtful replies.
>> It seems as though there is confusion about the best way forward.
>> 1) TiddlyFox is going away sometime - so I don't want to get too enamored 
>> with it (Yes it is an installed add-on (Legacy) that does not work for me 
>> now)
>> 2) @Mark S - The beauty of a solution that works every time is ideal, 
>> except that you then proceed to explain that the default save has a "pain 
>> in the ass" character to it involving don't forget to's or batch like 
>> this...
>> 3) I have tried NoteSelf, and lost enough info due to my lack of 
>> understanding how simple it is - "just use it" becomes "just keep retyping 
>> the same tiddlers"
>> 4) I am totally willing to jump away from a single file system and into 
>> Node.JS, but as a newbie it acts strange, pulling up things I didn't mean 
>> to be in this directory... and I just don't understand it yet (but I think 
>> I would like it)
>> 5) TiddlyDesktop is my one and only savior - it is the ONLY way I 
>> currently know how to reliably update a tiddler, save to Dropbox, and find 
>> it later.
>> I can live with that.  the only problem is when I link to an external 
>> TW5.html file, it loads it in FireFox, and I have to remember NOT TO UPDATE 
>> IT THERE - use only for reference. If I want to start typing, I have to 
>> remember to launch it directly from TiddlyDesktop independently.
>> Does this thinking make sense?

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