Ciao Riz

The work you did on Reddit is immense.

I was a big pusher for change. But I did NOTHING practical. Shame on me 
(well, apart from Twitter).

I STILL think we are left with very UNKEMPT systems. And as it gets yet 
more complex and interestingly rich it gets even worse for a beginner, I 

Take, for instance, SAVING TW. Now we have many excellent methods. But if 
you are not reading the list daily its actually, for many a newbie, more 
info than you can cope with. WHICH method? FOR what? HOW can I get clearer 
what to do?

I dunno what the solution is. 

Your Reddit is v. good in that you tend to lift out the MAIN themes and its 
a *definite plus* to have it simple enough to follow main developments. But 
still STEERAGE is somewhat lacking I think. 

There is maybe a lacking ACCESS ROUTE that is clear enough for a new user 
who knows nothing and is NOT interested in D.I.Y. to get up and running. 
That issue is partly orthogonal to which particular forum you read.

Possibly PART of the issue devolves to clearer delineation of TYPES of TW? 
By which I mean delineation of DIY versions from whole, finished apps 
(where dabbling is very secondary & its easier to say what they are).

Something like that.

Just thoughts
Josiah, x

Riz wrote:
> >  Is the subreddit more of a plugin directory?
> I can understand why people would think that. It was initially started as 
> a possible alternative to google group. There was a demand for a forum 
> where people can categorize the posts, upvote on favorite responses,   will 
> have a wiki and multiple moderators responsible for the overseeing the 
> forum. Most of the other choices with similar feature set were non-free. 
> However,  last time such a discussion happened, it was implied that 
> community would probably prefer either a stack-overflow based solution or 
> TW5 based experiment called Twederation. Owing to general disinterest and 
> my inability to convince people the necessity of an alternative to show 
> case the available options regarding TW5 which are missed out, the 
> discussion largely was and is still limited to google groups. 
> It is not all bad, however. We do still keep the forum updated. We have a 
> wiki there that list around 200 old plugins published before subreddit was 
> born. (those published after can be found by clicking on any of the plugin 
> tags). In additions flairs like tutorials,  adapations and tweaks enable 
> people to explore the possibilities of TW5. I do wish more and more will 
> post there in addition to here. 
> > Actual discussion is probably hard to do there. 
> It can't be really said that it is not a platform well suited for 
> discussion. Keep in mind that there are subreddits ranging from Jokes(
>  to Worldnews(
> ,  from psychology (
>  to AskReddit (
> ,  all of which have over 100,000 
> subscribers and witness intense discussions. 
> > The problem is, you can't re-edit an item. 
> Are we talking about comments? Hmmm, it can be edited. 
> Anyway,  my point is,  if anybody is willing to write step by step 
> tutorials for any of the complaints OP raised in the first post,  we can 
> dedicate a page a page for such tutorials in reddit. So those who have 
> experience and is willing to contribute,  please do. 

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