>  Is the subreddit more of a plugin directory?

I can understand why people would think that. It was initially started as a 
possible alternative to google group. There was a demand for a forum where 
people can categorize the posts, upvote on favorite responses,   will have a 
wiki and multiple moderators responsible for the overseeing the forum. Most of 
the other choices with similar feature set were non-free. 

However,  last time such a discussion happened, it was implied that community 
would probably prefer either a stack-overflow based solution or TW5 based 
experiment called Twederation. Owing to general disinterest and my inability to 
convince people the necessity of an alternative to show case the available 
options regarding TW5 which are missed out, the discussion largely was and is 
still limited to google groups. 

It is not all bad, however. We do still keep the forum updated. We have a wiki 
there that list around 200 old plugins published before subreddit was born. 
(those published after can be found by clicking on any of the plugin tags). In 
additions flairs like tutorials,  adapations and tweaks enable people to 
explore the possibilities of TW5. I do wish more and more will post there in 
addition to here. 

> Actual discussion is probably hard to do there. 

It can't be really said that it is not a platform well suited for discussion. 
Keep in mind that there are subreddits ranging from 
Jokes(http://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes)  to 
Worldnews(http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews) ,  from psychology 
(http://www.reddit.com/r/psychology)  to AskReddit 
(http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit) ,  all of which have over 100,000 
subscribers and witness intense discussions. 

> The problem is, you can't re-edit an item. 

Are we talking about comments? Hmmm, it can be edited. 

Anyway,  my point is,  if anybody is willing to write step by step tutorials 
for any of the complaints OP raised in the first post,  we can dedicate a page 
a page for such tutorials in reddit. So those who have experience and is 
willing to contribute,  please do. 

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