Hi Tony,

page media is not so well implemented in browsers i'm affraid.

I have a project with printing capabilities and have struggled with this. 
My workaround is using a footer tiddler
* the footer tiddler has display:none; for @screen view
* i'm using display: table-footer-group; for @print section

Might inspire you : 

works better in Firefox than Chrome though...



Le dimanche 11 août 2019 06:03:21 UTC+2, TonyM a écrit :
> In relation to View and Print tiddlers with page handling - help requested 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/SthCKBaE0c0>
> I am looking at using the @page media in css. However being a css ignorant 
> I am trying to work out how to use it
> Specifically I want it to relate to content inside a tiddler. However most 
> of the code out there relates to a whole html page.
> Perhaps I need to wrap the text in a tiddler with a div that somehow 
> specifies it is both display and print media, and to use the print css when 
> printing.
> I am particularly interested in defining a tiddler that uses the 
> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-page-3/#margin-boxes margin boxes documented 
> here, when printing but it would be nice to see the content on screen as 
> well, a Kind of wisywig. 
> I am building a view template that applies a style sheet that defines the 
> @print media statement but I am hoping to transclude fields on the current 
> tidder that contain either the content only or also some css to each 
> "element", so I have a field called element-name and element-name-css in 
> a tiddler.
> @top-left-corner 
> @top-left 
> @top-center
> @top-right 
> @top-right-corner 
> @bottom-left-corner 
> @bottom-left 
> @bottom-center 
> @bottom-right 
> @bottom-right-corner
> @left-top
> @left-middle
> @left-bottom
> @right-top
> @right-middle
> @right-bottom
> After defining the whole page I want the body of the tiddler transcluded 
> in the body of the page.
> I am really at a loss how to do this. Especially when it comes to 
> referring only to the current tiddler and not accidently the whole tiddlet 
> wiki. To print I open the tiddler in new window and print from there.
> Once this is working I will also transclude a field defining what html 
> elements to use to throw a page break eg h1
> Thanks in Advance
> Tony

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