Hi TiddlyWikiDevWizards

Since github is a network of trust, every user can decide, which core 
> to use. If you like the conservative approach, go with the 
> conservative core. If you like the community approach, go with the 
> community core, if there is one. 
> I think this is very common, with open source projects. In the long 
> run both will win. 
> ===== 
I agree

> I think backwards compatibility is important. And I think the TW core 
> does very well. But as a user, I don't expect, a 4-5 year old plugin 
> to work with the newest core. It is a nice to have. But if it means 
> the core development, needs to be inactive, no thanks. (long live IE6) 
I agree 

> And I also think it isn't necessary. Think of TiddlySpace. Every 
> plugin, that programmatically saved a tiddler was broken due to 
> missing fields. At the very beginning there were some posts in the 
> group. But since several month. Nothing ... Either, the users don't 
> use these plugins anymore, or they got them fixed. There was no need 
> to stop the core. 

I don't agree :-)


I was one of those users, who tried to make some of the most vital (to me at 
least...) plugins/transclusions work on TS.
I managed to fix a few (two or three in all... "TiddlerNotesPlugin", 
"QuickNotes","CreateTiddlersFromCSV" and maybe one more - don't remember..) 
The reason why I haven't kept on reporting incompabilities on the TiddlyWeb 
group - is the fact that most of these discussions now take place on the 
TiddlyWiki usergroup instead.
Mitchke (mobilelibrary) has shown an example of how far you can take it "on 
your own" with non compatible plugins... 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/U-0V60SR_bY/efhY7JoFeGgJ ....

My hope or vision if you like - (initially) was that most of Eric's 
(tiddlytools) great plugins (especially import/export UI's and features) 
would be acknowleged as a standard which users of TiddlyWiki have come to 
expect from TiddlyWiki, and therefore investigated and copied into 
TiddlySpace by TS core developers...

As time and TS-development progressed - I did understand & acknowledged that 
TS-developers were "cutting edge" in new directions showing great results, 
and I (reluctantly)  concluded that I had to live without some of Eric's 
"state of the art - plugins".

Chris and Eric's debate has given me new hope, insight and (maybe) some 
understanding of why there hasn't been *enough* qualified help from Eric or 
TS-developers when i.e. I or Mitchke pushed the bounderies trying to make 
"old" plugins work in the TiddlySpace environment.

I think it is inevitable that TiddlySpace needs to have a close look at 
Eric's arsenal of "standard-plugins" overcome the (however understandable) 
urge to be original - build everything from scratch, not wanting/daring? to 
resemble/look like what Eric has already done....

Why not "stand of the shoulders of Eric"? "The Legacy of TiddlyTools" ;-)
Well, - I'm not a programmer and I recon there are many "different roads to 
take" -  preferences of style, if you like... However I have come to the 
conclusion that Eric is not "just" a gifted programmer in the normal meaning 
of the word... He's an artist, who uses TiddlyWiki and code as a vehicle to 
express himself - and his presence as a "PluginGuru" - and timely "revealer 
of the mystic secrets (TWCore and JS...)" on the usergroup has made the 
tiddlywikicommunity attract both gifted programmers as well as laymen over 
the years :-) I sincerely wish/hope that some of this spirit can be 
transferred to TS and the ...->

New social channels ...
>From my adventures in TS-land I've discovered that there's a genuine wish to 
create new "social channels" around the "TiddlyWikiProject"  and I hope that 
Eric (or his Legacy) won't get lost in the process. I really wish that Eric 
would get into the TS-game. It would be great for the project and TiddlyWiki 
- and I'm sure Eric could have some genuine fun, - not being "in 
charge"...I'm sure that TiddlyWiki needs a lift, both regarding 
documentation and "corewise" - however I don't think it should be left to 
fickle(is this a usable word?) users alone to determine which plugins should 
be state of the art - or should be "revived" to work with a new core.... If 
Eric needed his plugins to work on TS, everybody would benefit from his 
presence... I believe TS has proven itself to be a good and viable 
enviroment for developing new apps and plugins for TiddlyWiki, by now... 
maybe we could use .. ->

Rating as a pointer:
I wish we had a ratingsystem where everybody could vote for plugins to be 
tested against a beta-release, - then core-developers and/or 
plugin-developers  would know what to test and eventually fix anticipating a 
release meant for upgrade.. 

GTD TiddlyWiki is an example of a great TiddlyWiki fork which has a life of 
its own - I would love to have it crystallized into atoms to make all the 
wonderful plugins it has, available to everybody else (using a TW).
Same is true with TiddlySpace. There are a lot of plugins and themes which 
have evolved on top of TS. It would be great if those plugins that don't 
need the webadopter (or whatever..) were visible to the world!!
I guess that what I wish to see is a "TiddlyToolsLike" website for plugins 
used by TS and GTDTW..... - I do understand that you can't expect any 
indivdual to do a job similar in magnitude to what Eric has accomplished 
with TiddlyTools over the years, however I *do* feel that Eric's example 
should be followed - trying to crystalize things into bits which can be 
reused by the community - both for standalone TWs and TS-powered TWs.... 
This *is* a great legacy ->

I believe that Eric's standards for plugindocumentation and TiddlyTools 
itself could be simulated by TS in some form - I don't see why not... This 
is something originally made with and for TiddlyWiki. It seems to work very 
well for a single plugindeveloper  - and (to me) it seems that there are a 
h... of a lot to learn from this example - much of  which could be adopted 
directly to an ecosystem like TiddlySpace, and turn a single developers 
original tools into collaborative powertools....

My 2 cents...

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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