On Monday, June 4, 2018 at 8:50:56 AM UTC+2, Simon Huber wrote:
> Hi, with the rumors or facts about MS buying GitHub I've seen projects 
> discussing moving over to GitLab

 ... Let's wait and see, when they make something official. ... 

> Because TiddlyWiki5 already wants to move to another repo, I'd like to ask 
> if GitLab is something that could be considered, too?

GitLab is definitely an option. ... but ... There is GitLab Inc, and GitLab 
the product. 

GitLab the product is open souce, and you can host it yourself. .. If you 
want to be in hosting business. 

GitLab Inc. is a company that runs GitLab.com. Which is a hosting platform 
similar to GitHub (see the H). ... So what happens now to GitHub can also 
happen to GitLab Inc., the company!

... But we (TiddlyWiki community) have a functionality problem. I'm not 
sure, if GitLab can fix it. 

Jeremy wants to keep the repository structure. .. Which in my opinion can't 
be managed with github. ... I personally can't find a way to configure, 
write-access on the directory level. .. The only way github allows, is per 
repositroy access configuration. ... Which Jeremy doesn't want. ... So back 
to step 1. 


IF MS aquires Github, we will need to see, how they behave. 

It may be possible, that they open source the whole thing. So, there may be 
more possibilities, as now. Some Enterprise edtion features may be free in 
the future. ... see may be!

They definitely will create closer integration with Microsoft Accounts. 
.... Which not necessarily is a good thing (for me) 


At the moment, I'd say, we have a closer look at GitLab workflow, which is 
90% the same, since git is the underlaying technology. The existing 
possibilities are more advanced as GitHub at the moment. ... 

So we can create a new group there. tiddlywiki ... Is already taken!! So we 
would need to get it back. 

I did grab "tiddlywiki5" and "tiddlywiki.org"

I'll invite you, to the .org and we can play around with it, if you want. 

I can also invite you to https://github.com/tiddlywiki-org/ at GitHub, if 
you want. 

have fun!

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