Thank you!
Added to TW-Scripts

On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 10:32:28 AM UTC+3:30, stefano franchi wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 12:04 AM Mohammad Rahmani < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Stefano,
>>  Could you please bruch up the procedure based on the received comments. 
>> I would like to add it to TW-Scripts.
> Well, there isn't much to write up. As always the solution is simple once 
> it's been found...
> But here we go:
> 1. How to create the panels that make up the various tabs of the plugin 
> page. It takes three steps:
>  a - In the file of the plugin you are writing, add a line 
> with "list" followed by a list of your panels in double quotes.
>       In my case I wanted 6 panels: readme usage syntax example license 
> and config. So I added this line:
>       "list": "readme usage syntax example license config"
> b. Create the files corresponding to the panels in the "files" 
> subdirectory of your plugin, as plain text, or in wikitext, or HTML.
>     I wanted them in a separate dir to keep everything uncluttered, and i 
> put them in a new subdir files/doc  
>     So I created 6 new files: files/doc/readme.txt, file/doc/usage.txt, 
> etc. and put some filler text in each just o be sure I could test if they 
> showed up in TW
> c. Finally, in the tiddlywiki.files file in your files subfolder, add a 
> block for each one of the new file you have created, making sure the last 
> part of the
>    "title" field is identical to what you wrote in the "list" line of your 
> plugin info, while the first part is the identifier of your plugin: 
> $:/plugins/yourName/YourPluginName/. In my case,
>     I am working on a plugin called "sgfeditor", and the name I am using 
> is "cleinias", so the name prefix is always "$:/plugins/cleinias/sgfeditor" 
> . 
>    For example, to add the content of the files/doc/readme.txt file as a 
> "readme" panel, you would add the following block to the tiddlywiki.files 
> file:
>          {
>             "file": "doc/readme.txt", 
>             "fields": {
>              "type": "text/plain",
>                 "title": "$:/plugins/cleinias/sgfeditor/readme"
>                         }
>                        },
>    Notice two important things: (1) the path in the "file" line is 
> relative to the files sub directory, NOT to the plugin directory.
>    (2) The last part  of the can title (i.e. "readme") can actually be 
> anything you want, AS LONG AS it corresponds to one of the
>     item in th e"list" line of file. For instance, you could 
> have your readme info in README.txt (following usual 
>     conventions), and then "readme" in all lowercase and no ext in the 
> "title" field.
> 2. How to create a settings for my plugin that would either be added to 
> the control panel or be accessible from the plugin page
>    To have the settings accessible from the config panel, you need to 
> create a config file and then tag it with $:/tags/ControlPanel as PMario 
> said. If you want it as
>   a tab (panel) in the plugins page add it to the "list" line in 
>    In either case, the basic procedure is the same as above: create a file 
> in the format of your choice (see point 3 below) in the "files" subdir of 
> your plugin, then add a block describing
>    it in the tiddlywiki.files in the files subdirectory. If you go for the 
> config panel, you also add a line with "tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel" . I 
> went the second route, and decided to put my settings  in  a "config" 
> panel of the plugin, and to use the json format. So I created config.json, 
> added "config" to the "list" line in and added this block to 
> tiddlywiki.files:
>             {
>             "file": "config.json", 
>             "fields": {
>                 "type": "application/json",
>                 "title": "$:/plugins/cleinias/sgfeditor/config" 
>                         }
>               },
>    Notice that I changed the type to the correct json MIME type.
> 3. How to access said settings from the plugin code:
>    I haven't tried to access the settings from the config panel, so I 
> cannot say anything about it. I only had to add two lines to read the 
> config tiddler from  my plugin code (I  copied them from the railroad 
> plugin):
> // getTiddlerData reads a Json file into a javascript object:    
> var config = $ 
> "$:/plugins/cleinias/sgfeditor/config")   
> Then for every setting, I provide three options: the value in the config 
> panel, the value possibly present in a corresponding field of the tiddler 
> the plugin widget is working on, or a default value I set in code (this is 
> also copied from the railroad plugin). So I have an object that reads all 
> the config parameters:
>         var options = {
>             size         :  this.getAttribute("size", config.size || 19),
>             panels     :  this.getAttribute("panels", config.panels || 
> ['control', 'names', 'comment', 'tool', 'tree', 'file'])
>      ...... and do on
>    That's all.
> Cheers,
> S.
>> -- 
> __________________________________________________
> Stefano Franchi
> <javascript:>

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