On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 04:40:13AM -0600, DRC wrote:
> On 2/10/11 2:24 AM, Martin Koegler wrote:
> >> I really wonder how useful of a feature built-in session encryption is
> >> if it's this slow.  Without encryption, I can get approximately 20
> >> Megapixels/second.  Tunneling through SSh, about the same.  With TLSVnc,
> >> I get about 7.5 Megapixels/second.  For my purposes, that's completely
> >> useless.
> > 
> > Using TLSNone, I still get 20MBit in a local LAN. In my option, tight
> > encoding is worse (eg. skipping frams on the KDE splash screen) on
> > animations than eg. ZRLE.
> What do you mean "still get 20 Mbit"?  You mean Megapixels/second?  Or
> do you mean Megabits/second of throughput?  Because without VeNCrypt, my

I mean the value showen in the viewer info dialog. What tools are you using?

> throughput is more like 50 Mbits/sec.  It's 2.5x faster, roughly, with
> SSh (or no encryption) than with GnuTLS.
> I'm not the only one who has observed that GnuTLS is slow.  Google
> 'gnutls openssl performance' and you'll see that others have observed a
> similar disparity.
> My workload is VirtualGL (remote 3D), and with 3D, it's pretty critical
> to maintain 15 frames/second or higher to ensure that the application
> feels interactive.  Screen sizes of 2 Megapixels are becoming fairly
> common, so ideally what I want is 30+ Megapixels/second.  I can get
> 35-40 with TurboVNC on modern hardware.  With TigerVNC, I can nominally
> get about 30% less than that with encryption disabled, which is still
> quite usable.  With VeNCrypt, however, it drops down to 7.5
> Megapixels/second, which is too slow to be useful for doing any "real"
> work with 3D applications.
> I've been in the remote display business for well over a decade now, and
> I can tell you from experience that people just don't read documentation
> when they download software.  They just download it, install it, and if
> it doesn't perform as they expect, they throw it out and never try it
> again.  If TigerVNC is being billed as a high-performance version of
> VNC, then it needs to be performant by default.  If it's being billed as
> a secure version of VNC, then it needs to be secure by default.  Those
> two goals may not be mutually achievable.

I'm using Tigervnc (and had developeed it) for accessing normal
desktop in a secure way on Windows/Linux. In my option, VenCrypt
encryption works for this use case.

Video / 3D are a different use case, which requires optimisations
(eg. there is even an optimized version of libjpeg). gnutls is used
with its default settings and I have not looked, how TLSOutput stream
blocks the data into packets and when the data is flushed to the
network. For your usecase, such analysis are probably necessary.

> >> I am not comfortable shipping binaries with GnuTLS support if the
> >> out-of-box default behavior is 38% as fast as 1.0.1.  I strongly believe
> >> that the server needs to re-order the default security types to be
> >> VncAuth, VeNCrypt, TLSVnc.  In other words, the default out-of-box
> >> behavior would be the same as 1.0.1-- to use VncAuth if both ends
> >> support it.  If someone is paranoid and wanted to use the much
> >> slower-but-more-secure VeNCrypt functionality as a default, they would
> >> need to specify -SecurityTypes when starting vncserver.  Ideally, in the
> >> long term, this would be restricted by means of an authentication
> >> configuration file that the SysAdmin could use to force the use of only
> >> certain security types.
> > 
> > VeNCrypt should be the first, so that tigervnc honors the security
> > type order.
> That seems like a circular argument.  Please justify.

See my other mail: VeNCrypt is a chooser and if it is not on the first position,
a effective order is different.

The client should have all security types enabled by default (as
currently). I have no objections to modifying the list of default
security types in the server.

> >> If we leave things the way they are, users will think that our software
> >> has slowed down by more than 2X since 1.0.1.
> >>
> >> Further, these security types need to be documented.  They are not
> >> mentioned in our man pages, and it is incredibly non-obvious what they do.
> >>
> >> Also, how does one enable user/password authentication?  I see that in
> >> the options dialog, but it doesn't appear to correspond to a command
> >> line option.
> > 
> > -SecurityTypes  VeNCrypt,XXXPlain -PlainUsers XXXX
> OK, I got that working, now how do I get it working without session
> encryption?

Plain is also available without any encryption, but not enabled by default.

Martin Kögler

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